
Georgi Chalakov edited comment on HADOOP-14520 at 8/29/17 11:50 PM:

Results : Tests run: 777, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 155

bq. if you are changing precondition check, I'd recommend StringUtils.isEmpty() 
for Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aKey));


bq. If fields aren't updated after the constructor, best to set to final 
(example, compactionEnabled ?).


bq. How long is downloadBlockList going to take in that constructor? More 
specifically: if compaction is disabled, can that step be skipped?

downloadBlockList is used for two purposes: 1) to check for block existence 2) 
to download the block list

bq. If the stream needs a byte buffer, best to use ElasticByteBufferPool as a 
pool of buffers.


bq. Use StorageErrorCodeStrings as the source of string constants to check for 
in exception error codes.


bq. Rather than throw IOException(e), I'd prefer more specific (existing ones). 
That's PathIOException and subclasses, AzureException(e), and the 
java.io/java.nio ones.


bq. When wrapping a StorageException with another IOE, always include the 
toString value of the wrapped exception. That way, the log message of the top 
level log retains the underlying problem.


bq. BlockBlobAppendStream.WriteRequest retry logic will retry even on 
RuntimeExceptions like IllegalArgumentException. Ideally they should be split 
into recoverable vs non-recoverable ops via a RetryPolicy. Is this an issue to 
address here though? Overall, with the new operatins doing retries, this may be 
time to embrace rety policies. Or at least create a JIRA entry on doing so.

add*Command() will rethrow the last exception. That means the following write() 
or close() will retrow stored exception. It is not going to happen right away, 
but the will happen before the stream is closed()

bq. I know java.io.OutputStream is marked as single-thread only, but I know of 
code (hello HBase!) which means that you must make some of the calls thread 
safe. HADOOP-11708/HADOOP-11710 covers this issue in CryptoOutputStream. At the 
very least, flush() must be synchronous with itself, close() & maybe write()

flush() is synchronous with itself through addFlushCommand(). We do not want 
flush() to be synchronous with write(). We would like while a thread waits for 
a flush(), other threads to continue writing. 

bq. I'm unsure about BlockBlobAppendStream.close() waiting for up to 15 minutes 
for things to complete, but looking @ other blobstore clients, I can see that 
they are implicitly waiting without any timeout at all. And it's in the 
existing codebase. But: why was the time limit changed from 10 min to 15? Was 
this based on test failures? If so, where is the guarantee that a 15 minute 
wait is always sufficient.

The change to 15 min was not based on test failures. I have changed the timeout 
back to 10 min and added a const. 

bq. Looking at BlockBlobAppendStream thread pooling, I think having a thread 
pool per output stream is expensive, especially as it has a minimum size of 4; 
it will ramp up fast. A pool of min=1 max=4 might be less expensive. But 
really, the stream should be thinking about sharing a pool common to the FS, 
relying on callbacks to notify it of completion rather than just awaiting pool 
completion and a shared writeable field.

I did a some tests with YCSB and a pool of min=1, max=4. It is slower and the 
difference is measurable. Considering how many output stream you usually have 
per FS, I would like to keep min=4, max=4. The shared pool is a good idea, but 
I am afraid we would need bigger change and at the end I am not sure we will 
get significant benefits. 
bq. I think the access/use of lastException needs to be made stronger than just 
a volatile, as it means that code of the form if (lastException!=null) throw 
lastException isn't thread safe. I know, it's not that harmful provided 
lastException is never set to null, but I'd still like some isolated 
get/getAndSet/maybeThrow operations. Similarly, is lastException the best way 
to propagate failure, as it means that teardown failures are going to get 
reported ahead of earlier ones during the write itself. Overall, I propose 
using Callable<bq.  over Runnable. Allows you to throw exceptions & return 
things, caller gets to pick them up when it chooses to.

The original code was using Runnable and I didn’t know about Callable. We could 
create a JIRA to do the change here and for the page blob.

bq. Can you do a patch without all the whitespace stripping? It makes the patch 
too big & very brittle to cherrypick. I know the spaces are wrong, but trying 
to strip them in a patch creates needless patch conflict. when the patch goes 
in we'll strip off whitespace on new/changed lines. so it won't get any worse.


bq. Do try to get those line lengths under 80, including in comments. I know it 
seems out of date, and I'd prefer a higher number, but current consensus is 80 
except when it's really hard to do. Supporting side-by-side diff comparison is 
a reason.


bq. Don't use import java.util.*; for imports —it's OK for static member 
import, but not for whole packages. Makes for brittleness across versions, as 
when a package adds a competing class, things stop building. I'm assuming this 
was the IDE being helpful here. If it has autoconvert to * on, turn it off, 
along with "delete trailing whitespace".

Yep, the IDE was auto converting to *. It is off now.

bq. and add trailing "." on the first sentence of javadocs, as javadoc 
complains in their absence.


bq. Use try-with-resources & you can get streams closed automatically


bq. index.md use `` around method names.


bq. index.md Need to emphasize cost compaction: a download of segments and 
uplod of a compacted replacement. Only for use when the Azure storage is on the 
same site/network, cost of bandwidth & time. Do provide details on failure 
guarantees too, like "doesn't ever lose data".


bq. It would seem good to have some FS statistics tracking compaction, e.g: #of 
compaction events, bytes downloaded from compaction, bytes uploaded. These can 
then be used in assertions in the tests, but, most importantly, can be looked 
at in production to see why things are slow and/or whether compaction is 

I don't think compaction is interesting, but if you can help me to find FS 
statistics sample, I will add it. I've tested compaction with YCSB tests on 
HBase and the highest number of blocks per blob for the WAL files was less than 
1000. We turn on compaction after 32000 blocks. Block compaction is a safe net, 
not a main scenario. Block compaction improves the read operations and the 
write cost of Block compaction is amortized over such large number of blocks 
operations (bq. 32000). 
bq. I'm worried about what happens when large buffers have been flushed & then 
a compaction starts. The size of the buffer needed will be that of 
sum(size(blocks)), won't it? I don't see any checks on those limits, such as a 
decision to set a maximum size of a compacted block & break up compactions if 
the total block count to compact is bq.  that.

The size of the read buffer will be the maximum size of a blob block: 4M. We 
search for best sequence of small blocks that can be replaced with a block less 
than 4M. 

bq. Failure handling on the compaction process. Does a failure on a compaction 
download & upload in blockCompaction()} }need to fail the entire write process? 
If it's a transient error it could be overkill. However, if it is a sign that 
{{flush() isn't reliably working then the current behaviour is the one to run 

Block Compaction is triggered when the number of blocks is above 32000. That is 
very rare, but it helps minimizing the chance of getting to the point when no 
new write operations for this blob are permitted. When the compaction is 
triggered and the compaction fail, it is better to fail the entire write 

bq. One thing I'd like (but which won't mandate) is for the stream to count the 
#of compaction events, bytes compacted and total duration. then provide some 
@VisibleForTesting @ Unstable getters, *and print them in the toString() call. 
That would line things up for moving to FS-level instrumentation, and can be 
used immediately.

bq. BlockBlobAppendStream: L349: use constant in StorageErrorCodeStrings


bq.  Use org.apache.hadoop.util.DirectBufferPool to pool the buffers; stable 
code, uses weak refs to ensure GCs will recover free buffers from the pool. 
Before I created very simple buffer pool, I considered that option. The problem 
is that later when we want to upload the buffer with Azure Storage Client, we 
cannot (I couldn't) provide the buffer without allocating a new one and mem 
coping the data. 

bq. Make sure that blockCompaction uses a buffer from the pool too; I don't 
think it does right now. 

Well, that was my intention, but I couldn't create OutputStream with custom 
buffer. I choose the other direction where I can steal the buffer and send it 
back to the buffer pool. Block compaction is a rare operation and when new 
buffer is allocated, it is going to be reused. If I can find how to create 
OutputStream object with custom buffer, I would change it. 

bq. UploaderThreadFactory: idle thought: would it make sense to include the 
container ID or container & key in the thread? I don't know of anything else 
which does this, but it would aid thread dump diagnostics.

It is a simple change “ + key”, but the log lines get too long, I think. It is 
not convenient reading it in a terminal window. If you really feel that this is 
necessary, I will add it. 

bq. SelfRenewingLease L82: use the constants in StorageErrorCodeStrings


bq. Test code:  There's no concurrency test, which would be nice. Could one go 
into TestNativeAzureFileSystemConcurrency

Can you suggest an existing test that I can use as an sample? 

bq. Maybe also think about having TestBlockBlobInputStream use this stream as 
its upload mechanism; insert some flushes through the loop and see what 
actually happens on larger scale files. The small tests, while nice and fast, 
don't check things like buffer sizing if you have large blocks to combine.

I am sorry, I don't understand how TestBlockBlobInputStream can be used here. 

bq. TestNativeAzureFileSystemBlockCompaction: As background, I like to review 
tests from the following use case "its got a transient jenkins failure and all 
you have is the stack trace to debug what failed". Which means I expect tests 
to: preserve all stack traces, add as much diagnostics information in asserts, 
including text for every simple assertTrue/assertFalse —enough to get an idea 
what's wrong without pasting the stack in the IDE to find out which specific 
assert actually failed.

I am not sure I understand how you recommend to change the code, but I had to 
similar issue to what you described above. From five runs once was failing with 
"Invalid Block List". The assert and the order of the tests helped me to find 
what is wrong. The order of the insert is not arbitrary and verifyBlockList 
allows finding the issue very close to the point of failure.   

bq. verifyFileData & verifyAppend: I'm not actually sure these work properly if 
the created file is bq.  the generated test data, and, by swallowing 
exceptions, they don't actually report underlying failures, merely trigger an 
assertion failure somewhere in the calling code. I'd replace these entirely 
with ContractTestUtils.verifyFileContents(), which does report failures and is 
widely enough used that it's considered stable.


bq. testCompaction():  once the verify calls rethrow all exceptions, some of 
the asserts here can be cut there's a lot of copy-and-paste duplication fo the 
write/write/write/flush/verify sequences; these should be factored out into 
shared methods.


bq. if the stream.toString() call logs the compaction history, then includng 
the stream toString in all asserts would help diagnose problems.

Compaction history would be proportional to the number of the blocks. the 
default value is 32000 blocks. Even for the tests where we have small number of 
blocks the history is was actually very useful for me. I need not only the 
history of the compaction but also the history of the write operations. That 
would be too much for keeping in the stream, I think.

bq. verifyBlockList: don't bother catching & asserting on exception, just throw 
it all the way up & let JUnit report it.

bq. testCompactionDisabled}: use try-with-resource or 


bq. Most of those "is a magic number" complaints are just about common values 
in the test...if they were pulled out into some shared variables then it'd shut 
up checkstyle


bq. there is that "15 minutes" constant in production. How about moving that up 
from an inline constant to a static constant "CLOSE_UPLOAD_DELAY" or similar in 
the class —so at least its obvious what the number is for/where the delay is 
chosen. At some point in the future, if ever felt to be an issue, then it could 
be made a config option, with all the trouble that ensues.


bq. javadoc is still unhappy.. I'm actually surprised that it's not complaining 
about all the missing "."' chars at the end of each sentence ... maybe the 
latest update to java 8.x has got javadocs complaining less. Lovely as that may 
be, we have to worry about java9 too, so please: review the diff and add them 
to the new javadoc comments.

I have added the missing "." at the end of each sentence.

bq. Probably a good time to look at the javadocs and make sure that there are 
{@code }

I haven't found issues, but if I have missed something please let me know.

bq. writeBlockRequestInternal has retry logic that returns the buffer to the 
pool and then retries using the buffer that it just returned.

This was a bug. It is fixed now. 

bq. writeBlockRequestInternal is currently returning a byte array originally 
created by ByteArrayOutputStream to the buffer pool. If this is not clear, look 
at blockCompaction where it creates ByteArrayOutputStreamInternal, then wraps 
the underlying byte[] in a ByteBuffer and passes it to 
writeBlockRequestInternal which returns it to the pool.


bq. blockCompaction can be refactored to make unit testing easy. For example, 
extracting out a getBlockSequenceForCompaction function that takes a block list 
as input and returns a sequence of blocks to be compacted would allow a data 
driven unit test to run many different block lists thru the algorithm.

I considered that but found that would be more valuable to run e2e.

bq. I recommend the following description for the blockCompaction function:


bq. I recommend renaming BlockBlobAppendStream.bufferSize to maxBlockSize. It 
is the maximum size of a block.


was (Author: georgi):
Results : Tests run: 777, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 155

bq. if you are changing precondition check, I'd recommend StringUtils.isEmpty() 
for Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aKey));


bq. If fields aren't updated after the constructor, best to set to final 
(example, compactionEnabled ?).


bq. How long is downloadBlockList going to take in that constructor? More 
specifically: if compaction is disabled, can that step be skipped?

downloadBlockList is used for two purposes: 1) to check for block existence 2) 
to download the block list

bq. If the stream needs a byte buffer, best to use ElasticByteBufferPool as a 
pool of buffers.


bq. Use StorageErrorCodeStrings as the source of string constants to check for 
in exception error codes.


bq. Rather than throw IOException(e), I'd prefer more specific (existing ones). 
That's PathIOException and subclasses, AzureException(e), and the 
java.io/java.nio ones.


bq. When wrapping a StorageException with another IOE, always include the 
toString value of the wrapped exception. That way, the log message of the top 
level log retains the underlying problem.


bq. BlockBlobAppendStream.WriteRequest retry logic will retry even on 
RuntimeExceptions like IllegalArgumentException. Ideally they should be split 
into recoverable vs non-recoverable ops via a RetryPolicy. Is this an issue to 
address here though? Overall, with the new operatins doing retries, this may be 
time to embrace rety policies. Or at least create a JIRA entry on doing so.

add*Command() will rethrow the last exception. That means the following write() 
or close() will retrow stored exception. It is not going to happen right away, 
but the will happen before the stream is closed()

bq. I know java.io.OutputStream is marked as single-thread only, but I know of 
code (hello HBase!) which means that you must make some of the calls thread 
safe. HADOOP-11708/HADOOP-11710 covers this issue in CryptoOutputStream. At the 
very least, flush() must be synchronous with itself, close() & maybe write()

flush() is synchronous with itself through addFlushCommand(). We do not want 
flush() to be synchronous with write(). We would like while a thread waits for 
a flush(), other threads to continue writing. 

bq. I'm unsure about BlockBlobAppendStream.close() waiting for up to 15 minutes 
for things to complete, but looking @ other blobstore clients, I can see that 
they are implicitly waiting without any timeout at all. And it's in the 
existing codebase. But: why was the time limit changed from 10 min to 15? Was 
this based on test failures? If so, where is the guarantee that a 15 minute 
wait is always sufficient.

The change to 15 min was not based on test failures. I have changed the timeout 
back to 10 min and added a const. 

bq. Looking at BlockBlobAppendStream thread pooling, I think having a thread 
pool per output stream is expensive, especially as it has a minimum size of 4; 
it will ramp up fast. A pool of min=1 max=4 might be less expensive. But 
really, the stream should be thinking about sharing a pool common to the FS, 
relying on callbacks to notify it of completion rather than just awaiting pool 
completion and a shared writeable field.

I did a some tests with YCSB and a pool of min=1, max=4. It is slower and the 
difference is measurable. Considering how many output stream you usually have 
per FS, I would like to keep min=4, max=4. The shared pool is a good idea, but 
I am afraid we would need bigger change and at the end I am not sure we will 
get significant benefits. 
bq. I think the access/use of lastException needs to be made stronger than just 
a volatile, as it means that code of the form if (lastException!=null) throw 
lastException isn't thread safe. I know, it's not that harmful provided 
lastException is never set to null, but I'd still like some isolated 
get/getAndSet/maybeThrow operations. Similarly, is lastException the best way 
to propagate failure, as it means that teardown failures are going to get 
reported ahead of earlier ones during the write itself. Overall, I propose 
using Callable<bq.  over Runnable. Allows you to throw exceptions & return 
things, caller gets to pick them up when it chooses to.

The original code was using Runnable and I didn’t know about Callable. We could 
create a JIRA to do the change here and for the page blob.

bq. Can you do a patch without all the whitespace stripping? It makes the patch 
too big & very brittle to cherrypick. I know the spaces are wrong, but trying 
to strip them in a patch creates needless patch conflict. when the patch goes 
in we'll strip off whitespace on new/changed lines. so it won't get any worse.


bq. Do try to get those line lengths under 80, including in comments. I know it 
seems out of date, and I'd prefer a higher number, but current consensus is 80 
except when it's really hard to do. Supporting side-by-side diff comparison is 
a reason.


bq. Don't use import java.util.*; for imports —it's OK for static member 
import, but not for whole packages. Makes for brittleness across versions, as 
when a package adds a competing class, things stop building. I'm assuming this 
was the IDE being helpful here. If it has autoconvert to * on, turn it off, 
along with "delete trailing whitespace".

Yep, the IDE was auto converting to *. It is off now.

bq. and add trailing "." on the first sentence of javadocs, as javadoc 
complains in their absence.


bq. Use try-with-resources & you can get streams closed automatically


bq. index.md use `` around method names.


bq. index.md Need to emphasize cost compaction: a download of segments and 
uplod of a compacted replacement. Only for use when the Azure storage is on the 
same site/network, cost of bandwidth & time. Do provide details on failure 
guarantees too, like "doesn't ever lose data".


bq. It would seem good to have some FS statistics tracking compaction, e.g: #of 
compaction events, bytes downloaded from compaction, bytes uploaded. These can 
then be used in assertions in the tests, but, most importantly, can be looked 
at in production to see why things are slow and/or whether compaction is 

I don't think compaction is interesting, but if you can help me to find FS 
statistics sample, I will add it. I've tested compaction with YCSB tests on 
HBase and the highest number of blocks per blob for the WAL files was less than 
1000. We turn on compaction after 32000 blocks. Block compaction is a safe net, 
not a main scenario. Block compaction improves the read operations and the 
write cost of Block compaction is amortized over such large number of blocks 
operations (bq. 32000). 
bq. I'm worried about what happens when large buffers have been flushed & then 
a compaction starts. The size of the buffer needed will be that of 
sum(size(blocks)), won't it? I don't see any checks on those limits, such as a 
decision to set a maximum size of a compacted block & break up compactions if 
the total block count to compact is bq.  that.

The size of the read buffer will be the maximum size of a blob block: 4M. We 
search for best sequence of small blocks that can be replaced with a block less 
than 4M. 

bq. Failure handling on the compaction process. Does a failure on a compaction 
download & upload in blockCompaction()} }need to fail the entire write process? 
If it's a transient error it could be overkill. However, if it is a sign that 
{{flush() isn't reliably working then the current behaviour is the one to run 

Block Compaction is triggered when the number of blocks is above 32000. That is 
very rare, but it helps minimizing the chance of getting to the point when no 
new write operations for this blob are permitted. When the compaction is 
triggered and the compaction fail, it is better to fail the entire write 

bq. One thing I'd like (but which won't mandate) is for the stream to count the 
#of compaction events, bytes compacted and total duration. then provide some 
@VisibleForTesting @ Unstable getters, *and print them in the toString() call. 
That would line things up for moving to FS-level instrumentation, and can be 
used immediately.

bq. BlockBlobAppendStream: L349: use constant in StorageErrorCodeStrings


bq.  Use org.apache.hadoop.util.DirectBufferPool to pool the buffers; stable 
code, uses weak refs to ensure GCs will recover free buffers from the pool. 
Before I created very simple buffer pool, I considered that option. The problem 
is that later when we want to upload the buffer with Azure Storage Client, we 
cannot (I couldn't) provide the buffer without allocating a new one and mem 
coping the data. 

bq. Make sure that blockCompaction uses a buffer from the pool too; I don't 
think it does right now. 

Well, that was my intention, but I couldn't create OutputStream with custom 
buffer. I choose the other direction where I can steal the buffer and send it 
back to the buffer pool. Block compaction is a rare operation and when new 
buffer is allocated, it is going to be reused. If I can find how to create 
OutputStream object with custom buffer, I would change it. 

bq. UploaderThreadFactory: idle thought: would it make sense to include the 
container ID or container & key in the thread? I don't know of anything else 
which does this, but it would aid thread dump diagnostics.

It is a simple change “ + key”, but the log lines get too long, I think. It is 
not convenient reading it in a terminal window. If you really feel that this is 
necessary, I will add it. 

bq. SelfRenewingLease L82: use the constants in StorageErrorCodeStrings


bq. Test code:  There's no concurrency test, which would be nice. Could one go 
into TestNativeAzureFileSystemConcurrency

Can you suggest an existing test that I can use as an sample? 

bq. Maybe also think about having TestBlockBlobInputStream use this stream as 
its upload mechanism; insert some flushes through the loop and see what 
actually happens on larger scale files. The small tests, while nice and fast, 
don't check things like buffer sizing if you have large blocks to combine.

I am sorry, I don't understand how TestBlockBlobInputStream can be used here. 

bq. TestNativeAzureFileSystemBlockCompaction: As background, I like to review 
tests from the following use case "its got a transient jenkins failure and all 
you have is the stack trace to debug what failed". Which means I expect tests 
to: preserve all stack traces, add as much diagnostics information in asserts, 
including text for every simple assertTrue/assertFalse —enough to get an idea 
what's wrong without pasting the stack in the IDE to find out which specific 
assert actually failed.

I am not sure I understand how you recommend to change the code, but I had to 
similar issue to what you described above. From five runs once was failing with 
"Invalid Block List". The assert and the order of the tests helped me to find 
what is wrong. The order of the insert is not arbitrary and verifyBlockList 
allows finding the issue very close to the point of failure.   

bq. verifyFileData & verifyAppend: I'm not actually sure these work properly if 
the created file is bq.  the generated test data, and, by swallowing 
exceptions, they don't actually report underlying failures, merely trigger an 
assertion failure somewhere in the calling code. I'd replace these entirely 
with ContractTestUtils.verifyFileContents(), which does report failures and is 
widely enough used that it's considered stable.


bq. testCompaction():  once the verify calls rethrow all exceptions, some of 
the asserts here can be cut there's a lot of copy-and-paste duplication fo the 
write/write/write/flush/verify sequences; these should be factored out into 
shared methods.


bq. if the stream.toString() call logs the compaction history, then includng 
the stream toString in all asserts would help diagnose problems.

Compaction history would be proportional to the number of the blocks. the 
default value is 32000 blocks. Even for the tests where we have small number of 
blocks the history is was actually very useful for me. I need not only the 
history of the compaction but also the history of the write operations. That 
would be too much for keeping in the stream, I think.

bq. verifyBlockList: don't bother catching & asserting on exception, just throw 
it all the way up & let JUnit report it.

bq. testCompactionDisabled}: use try-with-resource or 


bq. Most of those "is a magic number" complaints are just about common values 
in the test...if they were pulled out into some shared variables then it'd shut 
up checkstyle


bq. there is that "15 minutes" constant in production. How about moving that up 
from an inline constant to a static constant "CLOSE_UPLOAD_DELAY" or similar in 
the class —so at least its obvious what the number is for/where the delay is 
chosen. At some point in the future, if ever felt to be an issue, then it could 
be made a config option, with all the trouble that ensues.


bq. javadoc is still unhappy.. I'm actually surprised that it's not complaining 
about all the missing "."' chars at the end of each sentence ... maybe the 
latest update to java 8.x has got javadocs complaining less. Lovely as that may 
be, we have to worry about java9 too, so please: review the diff and add them 
to the new javadoc comments.

I have added the missing "." at the end of each sentence.

bq. Probably a good time to look at the javadocs and make sure that there are 
{@code }

I haven't found issues, but if I have missed something please let me know.

bq. writeBlockRequestInternal has retry logic that returns the buffer to the 
pool and then retries using the buffer that it just returned.

This was a bug. It is fixed now. 

bq. writeBlockRequestInternal is currently returning a byte array originally 
created by ByteArrayOutputStream to the buffer pool. If this is not clear, look 
at blockCompaction where it creates ByteArrayOutputStreamInternal, then wraps 
the underlying byte[] in a ByteBuffer and passes it to 
writeBlockRequestInternal which returns it to the pool.


bq. blockCompaction can be refactored to make unit testing easy. For example, 
extracting out a getBlockSequenceForCompaction function that takes a block list 
as input and returns a sequence of blocks to be compacted would allow a data 
driven unit test to run many different block lists thru the algorithm.

I considered that but found that would be more valuable to run e2e.

bq. I recommend the following description for the blockCompaction function:


bq. I recommend renaming BlockBlobAppendStream.bufferSize to maxBlockSize. It 
is the maximum size of a block.


> WASB: Block compaction for Azure Block Blobs
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-14520
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-14520
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: fs/azure
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-alpha3
>            Reporter: Georgi Chalakov
>            Assignee: Georgi Chalakov
>         Attachments: HADOOP-14520-006.patch, HADOOP-14520-05.patch, 
> HADOOP_14520_07.patch
> Block Compaction for WASB allows uploading new blocks for every hflush/hsync 
> call. When the number of blocks is above 32000, next hflush/hsync triggers 
> the block compaction process. Block compaction replaces a sequence of blocks 
> with one block. From all the sequences with total length less than 4M, 
> compaction chooses the longest one. It is a greedy algorithm that preserve 
> all potential candidates for the next round. Block Compaction for WASB 
> increases data durability and allows using block blobs instead of page blobs. 
> By default, block compaction is disabled. Similar to the configuration for 
> page blobs, the client needs to specify HDFS folders where block compaction 
> over block blobs is enabled. 
> Results for HADOOP_14520_07.patch
> tested endpoint: fs.azure.account.key.hdfs4.blob.core.windows.net
> Tests run: 777, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 155

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