
Steve Loughran edited comment on HADOOP-15422 at 4/27/18 3:41 PM:

The first stack was a spurious failure, but with the corrected credentials, an 
ls  of the root directory fails saying the child path must be a child of the 

Listing table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
-ls: childPath s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration must be a child of 

. Listing of child paths which exist/don't exist pass

Other commands (get, diff) work and don't include secrets in their listing

This is probably related to our work to strip out secrets from URIs. We don't 
want them in the database, or in logs


>  hadoop fs -ls "s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/"


18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/  ()
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: List status for path: 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_list_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  2
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/  ()
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Listing table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
-ls: childPath s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration must be a child of 

Usage: hadoop fs [generic options]
        [-appendToFile <localsrc> ... <dst>]
        [-cat [-ignoreCrc] <src> ...]
        [-checksum <src> ...]
        [-chgrp [-R] GROUP PATH...]
        [-chmod [-R] <MODE[,MODE]... | OCTALMODE> PATH...]
        [-chown [-R] [OWNER][:[GROUP]] PATH...]
        [-copyFromLocal [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] [-t <thread count>] <localsrc> ... 
        [-copyToLocal [-f] [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] <src> ... <localdst>]
? echo $?

Works for a child entry which exists

[root@ctr-e138-1518143905142-264443-01-000006 ~]# hadoop fs -ls 
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Initializing S3AFileSystem for 
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Propagating entries under 
18/04/27 15:24:29 WARN s3native.S3xLoginHelper: The Filesystem URI contains 
login details. This is insecure and may be unsupported in future.
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: For URI 
s3a://hwdev-steve-2//cloud-integration, using credentials 
AWSCredentialProviderList: BasicAWSCredentialsProvider 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.S3Guard: Using DynamoDBMetadataStore metadata 
store for s3a filesystem
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Inferring DynamoDB 
region from S3 bucket: us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Creating DynamoDB client 
 with S3 region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: For URI (null URI), using credentials 
AWSCredentialProviderList: BasicAWSCredentialsProvider 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.connection.maximum is 15
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.attempts.maximum is 20
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of 
fs.s3a.connection.establish.timeout is 5000
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.connection.timeout is 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.socket.send.buffer is 8192
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.socket.recv.buffer is 8192
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using User-Agent: User-Agent: 
APN/1.0 Hortonworks/1.0 HDP/, Hadoop
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration  (cloud-integration)
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=1524842671173; access_time=0; owner=root; 
group=root; permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; 
isEncrypted=false; isErasureCoded=false}; isEmptyDirectory=UNKNOWN; 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: List status for path: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_list_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  2
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration  (cloud-integration)
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=1524842671185; access_time=0; owner=root; 
group=root; permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; 
isEncrypted=false; isErasureCoded=false}; isEmptyDirectory=UNKNOWN; 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Listing table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: listStatus: doing listObjects for 
directory cloud-integration/
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_list_requests += 1  -> 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Adding directory: 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=0; access_time=0; owner=root; group=root; 
permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; isEncrypted=false; 
isErasureCoded=false} isEmptyDirectory=FALSE
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Added 1 entries; ignored 0; 
hasNext=true; hasMoreObjects=false
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Start iterating the provided status.
Found 1 items
drwxrwxrwx   - root root          0 2018-04-27 15:24 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Filesystem s3a://hwdev-steve-2 is 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Shutting down 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}

And for one which doesn;t


# hadoop fs -ls "s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing"
18/04/27 15:25:21 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Initializing S3AFileSystem for 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing  (missing)
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing: null
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_metadata_requests += 1 
 ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_metadata_requests += 1 
 ->  2
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_list_requests += 1  -> 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Not Found: 
ls: `s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing': No such file or directory
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Filesystem s3a://hwdev-steve-2 is 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Shutting down 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}


was (Author: ste...@apache.org):
The first stack was a spurious failure, but with the corrected credentials, an 
ls  of the root directory fails saying the child path must be a child of the 

Listing table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
-ls: childPath s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration must be a child of 

. Listing of child paths which exist/don't exist pass

Other commands (get, diff) work and don't include secrets in their listing

This is probably related to our work to strip out secrets from URIs. We don't 
want them in the database, or in logs

>  hadoop fs -ls "s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/"


18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/  ()
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: List status for path: 
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_list_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  2
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/  ()
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
18/04/27 15:21:49 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Listing table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/
-ls: childPath s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration must be a child of 

Usage: hadoop fs [generic options]
        [-appendToFile <localsrc> ... <dst>]
        [-cat [-ignoreCrc] <src> ...]
        [-checksum <src> ...]
        [-chgrp [-R] GROUP PATH...]
        [-chmod [-R] <MODE[,MODE]... | OCTALMODE> PATH...]
        [-chown [-R] [OWNER][:[GROUP]] PATH...]
        [-copyFromLocal [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] [-t <thread count>] <localsrc> ... 
        [-copyToLocal [-f] [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] <src> ... <localdst>]
? echo $?

Works for a child entry which exists

[root@ctr-e138-1518143905142-264443-01-000006 ~]# hadoop fs -ls 
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Initializing S3AFileSystem for 
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Propagating entries under 
18/04/27 15:24:29 WARN s3native.S3xLoginHelper: The Filesystem URI contains 
login details. This is insecure and may be unsupported in future.
18/04/27 15:24:29 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: For URI 
s3a://hwdev-steve-2//cloud-integration, using credentials 
AWSCredentialProviderList: BasicAWSCredentialsProvider 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.S3Guard: Using DynamoDBMetadataStore metadata 
store for s3a filesystem
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Inferring DynamoDB 
region from S3 bucket: us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Creating DynamoDB client 
 with S3 region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: For URI (null URI), using credentials 
AWSCredentialProviderList: BasicAWSCredentialsProvider 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.connection.maximum is 15
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.attempts.maximum is 20
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of 
fs.s3a.connection.establish.timeout is 5000
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.connection.timeout is 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.socket.send.buffer is 8192
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.socket.recv.buffer is 8192
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using User-Agent: User-Agent: 
APN/1.0 Hortonworks/1.0 HDP/, Hadoop
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:24:30 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration  (cloud-integration)
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=1524842671173; access_time=0; owner=root; 
group=root; permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; 
isEncrypted=false; isErasureCoded=false}; isEmptyDirectory=UNKNOWN; 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: List status for path: 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_list_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  2
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration  (cloud-integration)
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=1524842671185; access_time=0; owner=root; 
group=root; permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; 
isEncrypted=false; isErasureCoded=false}; isEmptyDirectory=UNKNOWN; 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Listing table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://hwdev-steve-2/cloud-integration
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: listStatus: doing listObjects for 
directory cloud-integration/
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_list_requests += 1  -> 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Adding directory: 
isDirectory=true; modification_time=0; access_time=0; owner=root; group=root; 
permission=rwxrwxrwx; isSymlink=false; hasAcl=false; isEncrypted=false; 
isErasureCoded=false} isEmptyDirectory=FALSE
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Added 1 entries; ignored 0; 
hasNext=true; hasMoreObjects=false
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Start iterating the provided status.
Found 1 items
drwxrwxrwx   - root root          0 2018-04-27 15:24 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Filesystem s3a://hwdev-steve-2 is 
18/04/27 15:24:31 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Shutting down 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}

And for one which doesn;t


# hadoop fs -ls "s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing"
18/04/27 15:25:21 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Initializing S3AFileSystem for 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBClientFactory: Creating DynamoDB client 
in region us-west-1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Binding to table 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.AWSCredentialProviderList: Using credentials from 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Table state: 
{AttributeDefinitions: [{AttributeName: child,AttributeType: S}, 
{AttributeName: parent,AttributeType: S}],TableName: hwdev-steve-2,KeySchema: 
[{AttributeName: parent,KeyType: HASH}, {AttributeName: child,KeyType: 
RANGE}],TableStatus: ACTIVE,CreationDateTime: Wed Dec 06 14:25:57 UTC 
2017,ProvisionedThroughput: {LastIncreaseDateTime: Thu Apr 05 13:27:34 UTC 
2018,LastDecreaseDateTime: Wed Feb 28 14:11:15 UTC 2018,NumberOfDecreasesToday: 
0,ReadCapacityUnits: 30,WriteCapacityUnits: 30},TableSizeBytes: 
59156,ItemCount: 432,TableArn: 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Using existing DynamoDB 
table hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 created Wed Dec 06 14:25:39 UTC 2017
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Using metadata store 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}, 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AUtils: Value of fs.s3a.multipart.purge.age is 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_glob_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: op_get_file_status += 1  ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Getting path status for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing  (missing)
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1: s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Get from table 
hwdev-steve-2 in region us-west-1 returning for 
s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing: null
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_metadata_requests += 1 
 ->  1
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_metadata_requests += 1 
 ->  2
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AStorageStatistics: object_list_requests += 1  -> 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Not Found: 
ls: `s3a://A..A:X..X@hwdev-steve-2/missing': No such file or directory
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3a.S3AFileSystem: Filesystem s3a://hwdev-steve-2 is 
18/04/27 15:25:23 DEBUG s3guard.DynamoDBMetadataStore: Shutting down 
DynamoDBMetadataStore{region=us-west-1, tableName=hwdev-steve-2}


> s3guard doesn't list root dir when the secrets are in the s3a URI
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HADOOP-15422
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-15422
>             Project: Hadoop Common
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: fs/s3
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.0
>            Reporter: Steve Loughran
>            Priority: Minor
> If the AWS secrets are in the login, S3guard doesn't list the root dir

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