saxenapranav commented on code in PR #6699:

@@ -376,32 +439,48 @@ private int readLastBlock(final byte[] b, final int off, 
final int len)
     // data need to be copied to user buffer from index bCursor,
     // AbfsInutStream buffer is going to contain data from last block start. In
     // that case bCursor will be set to fCursor - lastBlockStart
-    long lastBlockStart = max(0, contentLength - footerReadSize);
+    if (!fileStatusInformationPresent.get()) {
+      long lastBlockStart = max(0, (fCursor + len) - footerReadSize);
+      bCursor = (int) (fCursor - lastBlockStart);
+      return optimisedRead(b, off, len, lastBlockStart, min(fCursor + len, 
footerReadSize), true);
+    }
+    long lastBlockStart = max(0, getContentLength() - footerReadSize);
     bCursor = (int) (fCursor - lastBlockStart);
     // 0 if contentlength is < buffersize
-    long actualLenToRead = min(footerReadSize, contentLength);
-    return optimisedRead(b, off, len, lastBlockStart, actualLenToRead);
+    long actualLenToRead = min(footerReadSize, getContentLength());
+    return optimisedRead(b, off, len, lastBlockStart, actualLenToRead, false);
   private int optimisedRead(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len,
-      final long readFrom, final long actualLen) throws IOException {
+      final long readFrom, final long actualLen,
+      final boolean isReadWithoutContentLengthInformation) throws IOException {
     fCursor = readFrom;
     int totalBytesRead = 0;
     int lastBytesRead = 0;
     try {
       buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
+      boolean fileStatusInformationPresentBeforeRead = 
       for (int i = 0;
-           i < MAX_OPTIMIZED_READ_ATTEMPTS && fCursor < contentLength; i++) {
+               || fCursor < getContentLength()); i++) {
         lastBytesRead = readInternal(fCursor, buffer, limit,
             (int) actualLen - limit, true);
         if (lastBytesRead > 0) {
           totalBytesRead += lastBytesRead;
+          boolean shouldBreak = !fileStatusInformationPresentBeforeRead
+              && totalBytesRead == (int) actualLen;
           limit += lastBytesRead;
           fCursor += lastBytesRead;
           fCursorAfterLastRead = fCursor;
+          if (shouldBreak) {
+            break;
+          }
     } catch (IOException e) {
+      if (isNonRetriableOptimizedReadException(e)) {
+        throw e;

Review Comment:
   So, this is the case where there is lazy optimization , and inputStream is 
not aware of contentlength. Now, on the first read, it could go into an 
optimized block, and would try to read. In a non-lazy case, in trunk, if there 
is IOException raised in optimizeRead, it tries to read with ReadOneBlock. Now, 
in non-lazy case, it cannot be a case that an inputStream gets created for 
non-existing path. But, in a lazy case, inputStream can be created for 
non-existing path, and optimizeRead can be tried for it. Now, when the 
optimizeRead is failing with FileNotFound, the inputStream should fail and not 
try readOneBlock.
   I should add a comment for better code understanding in future.

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