Inline (and added hbase-user to the recipients).


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Amit Kumar <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I want to ask about Hbase and Hive.
> Q1> Is there any dialect available which can be used with Hibernate to
> create persistence with Hbase. Has somebody written one. I came across HBql
> at
> Can this be used to create a dialect for Hbase?

HBQL queries HBase directly, but it's not SQL-compliant and doesn't
feature relational keywords (since HBase doesn't support them, JOINs
don't scale). I don't know if anybody tried integrating HBQL in
Hibernate... it's still a very young project.

> Q2>  Once the data is in there in Hbase. In this link I found that it can be
> used with Hive ( ). So the
> question is is it safe enough to use the below architecture for application
> Hibernate --> Dialect for Hbase --> Hbase --> query from Hbase using Hive to
> use MapReduce effectively.

Hive goes on top of HBase, so you can use its query language to mine
HBase tables. Be aware that a MapReduce job isn't meant for live
queries, so issuing them from Hibernate doesn't make much sense...
unless you meant something else and this which case please do give
more details.

> Thanks & Regards
> Amit Kumar

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