On 06/10/2011 03:23 PM, Bible, Landy wrote:
Hi Raja,

I'm currently running HDFS on Windows 7 desktops.  I had to create a hadoop.bat 
that provided the same functionality of the shell scripts, and some Java 
Service Wrapper configs to run the DataNodes and NameNode as windows services.  
Once I get my system more functional I plan to do a write up about how I did 
it, but it wasn't too difficult.  I'd also like to see Hadoop become less 
platform dependent.

why? Do you plan to bring up a real Windows server datacenter to test it on?

Java is supposed to be Write Once - Run Anywhere, but a lot of java projects 
seem to forget that.

Java can be x-platform, but you have to consider the problems of testing on hundreds of machines, the fact that even System.execute() behaves differently on different systems, the networking setup and behaviour of windows is very different from Unix, etc.

Whether you like it or not, all the big Hadoop clusters run on Linux, not just for the licensing costs, but because it is what Hadoop is tested on at those scales, so it becomes self-reinforcing. Same for the JVM: Sun's standard JVM, not JRockit or anything else. Again, in a large datacenter you will find all the corner cases where that "runs anywhere" claim changes to "crashes one task tracker every hour".

OS/X and Windows support is very much there for development, though even there I'd recommend switching to a Linux laptop to reduce the surprises when you go to the real cluster. Allen W will note that Solaris works too, but even then differences between Linux and SunOS caused problems.

By having a de-facto agreement to focus on Linux as the back end, it lets the developers
* have a single platform to dev and test on
* worry about RPM and deb installers, not windows install/uninstall quirks.
* share ready-to-use Linux VM images (as Cloudera do) for people to play with. * use the large cluster management tooling that exists for managing big Linux clusters (Kickstart, etc).

I think it's important is for the client-side code to work on windows, for job submission to be x-platform, but getting server-side code to work well on windows is a lot harder than people expect. The OS wasn't really written for it, the Java Service Wrappers have their own issues (both the Apache one, which is derived from Tomcat, and the other one), and it's not something I'd recommend to go near unless you really have no choice in the matter. I speak from experience.


  So far, I've been unable to make MapReduce work correctly.  The services run, 
but things don't work, however I suspect that this is due to DNS not working 
correctly in my environment.

yes, that's part of the anywhere you have to fix. Edit the host tables so that DNS and reverse DNS appears to work. That's c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, unless on a win64 box it moves.

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