You should check out Pentaho's howto's dealing with Hadoop and MapReducer.
Hope this helps!

hari708 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a big file consisting of XML data.the XML is not represented as a
> single line in the file. if we stream this file using ./hadoop dfs -put
> command to a hadoop directory .How the distribution happens.?
> Basically in My mapreduce program i am expecting a complete XML as my
> input.i have a CustomReader(for XML) in my mapreduce job configuration.My
> main confusion is if namenode distribute data to DataNodes ,there is a
> chance that a part of xml can go to one data node and other half can go in
> another datanode.If that is the case will my custom XMLReader in the
> mapreduce be able to combine it(as mapreduce reads data locally only).
> Please help me on this?

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