On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Paulo Gaspar wrote:
>  - I understand the use of the sentinel but in the very fast glance I
>    took at the code I still did not understand a couple of bits of 
>    code related to it. Since it was a very fast glance, it is very 
>    probable that everything is ok and that I just didn't get it yet.

ah.  if you get a chance to look at it in more depth, pass on any comments 
you may have.  When I have time, I'll still add a few more comments about 
the implementation algorithm.

>  - I should have been more explicit about "code style". I mean "code
>    formatting style". This is an ongoing discussion and I am not sure
>    that the "right way" is well defined at the commons. 

Yeah, I've been following the debate.  I'm not nitpicky on style, so as 
soon as one is well defined, I'll update my patch (or provide a new patch 
if the code is committed) to updat the style.  

> Hey everybody!
> Is there a well defined rule for Code Formatting Style at the Commons?
> The Jakarta general rule at:
>   http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html
> is:
>   All Java Language source code in the repository must be written in 
>   conformance to the "Code Conventions for the Java Programming
>   Language as published by Sun, or in conformance with another 
>   well-defined convention specified by the subproject. See the FAQ 
>   page for links to subproject conventions. 
> Some projects like Velocity:
>   http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/code-standards.html
> define such non-Sun conventions.
> The Commons should either define their own rules or (argh!) follow
> the Sun guidelines.

At one point, I saw a proposal to use the "Elements of Java Style"  as the
coding guidelines with the modification to prefix class variables with an
underscore (if that isn't already in it).  I don't remembering seeing any
disagreement with that, so maybe we should set that as the commons
guidelines?  The Elements of Java Style largely agree with Sun guidelines
with notable exceptions in the indent style:  tabs in indents and indents
of two spaces (while Sun uses four space indents and a tab in place of
eight consecutive spaces).  There may be a few other differences as well.


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