From: "Jon Scott Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on 6/12/02 11:53 PM, "James Strachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This was done originally by design. The XML introspector decides the
> > ordering of the bean properties. You can configure this order using a
> > BeanInfo. Or you can change this order via a .betwixt file for your
> The output ordering must match the input ordering because generally there
> a DTD which defines what the order of the elements is.

Ah you didn't mention the DTD until now. If we have a DTD we can use it for

> > The problem with using the input XML document as the decider of the
order of
> > properties, is what happens if lots of different orderings are used in
> > different XML documents (or things are missing)? Which order wins?
> I'm sorry. That doesn't make sense to me. You have one input and one
> output...where are you getting this lots of different documents? The
> ordering of the input should match the output exactly

You can have lots of XML documents, each could use different orders for the
properties of your beans. XML is completely free-from without any schema to
restrict it. Without some universal schema you don't know the correct order.
Also note that some schemas don't really care about order of XML anyways.
Though now you've mentioned the DTD, we could probably use it to order the
XMLBeanInfo fairly easily.

> > Though I do concur, it might be nice to let the parsing of XML order the
> > XMLBeanInfo automatically as it seems like a common use case. The way
> > ordering works right now is not ideal. I've added this issue to the
> > todo.xml.
> Thanks...because until this is fixed, I can't use betwixt for anything
> useful.

I understand that preserving the input order would be nice. Also its very
easy to create a little .betwixt file to explicitly set the order to
anything you like. How does this 'automatic preservation of order' stop you
from using betwixt for anything useful?


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