From: "Arron Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Commons project itself is now housing separate sub projects which
> have seemingly their own boundaries Every little part is acting like its
> own jakarta project. Hell, the votes are even working that way... "This
> guy's been doing some great work with HttpClient..." we know the story.
> Could be that some of the projects should be kicked out to live on their
> own (but I'll stay out of that particular packet of politics)

This is an issue for the whole of jakarta IMHO. The main jakarta page now
has 23 top level projects listed. Which is probably more than a new user
really needs to deal with. Plus there are 'hidden' projects of great value
in Commons, Avalon, Turbine (and probably others). Plus there is the XML
project to think about. I would also suggest that some of the 23 are
distinctly more widely used than others ( no names ). There is a distinct
danger of overload IMHO.


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