dirkv       2003/11/15 10:38:16

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  Reapply changeset (mdiggory    2003/11/09 12:17:50)
   Adding documentation for Contributors.
   Adding xsl stylesheets to render xdoc in browser and css to style content, this 
makes testing documentation additions easier without rendering the entire site. Simply 
open up xdoc in browser to see what it will look like after rendering.
  Revision  Changes    Path
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  Index: developers.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/developers.xml,v
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     <title>Developers Guide</title>
  @@ -23,6 +24,66 @@
      will not be committed.  Our aim will be to fix all of the exceptions to the
      "<i>should</i>" guidelines prior to a release.
  +   <subsection name="Contributing">
  +   <p>
  +     Becoming involved with a community project such as Commons Math can at 
  +     first appear to be very daunting. The Math projects motivations are to 
  +     design and build a well thoughtout API. With this in mind, there is a great 
  +     deal of review and discussion revolving around how and why a particular 
  +     package is included or written into the project. It is understandable that 
  +     individuals may have an interest in donating either their time or code to the 
  +     project, and we want to promote this. For this reason, we are working to
  +     maintain guidelines for proposing additional packages or coding efforts 
  +     within the project.
  +     </p>
  +     <p>
  +     <ol>
  +             <li>Formost it is important to review the overall objectives 
  +                     and <a href="proposal.html">proposal</a> upon which the 
project is 
  +                     founded.
  +             </li>
  +             <li>Review the completed, current and future 
  +                     <a href="tasks.html">tasks</a> of the project.
  +             </li>
  +             <li>Be sure to join the Commons Developer and Interest <a 
  +                     email lists</a> and use them appropriately (make sure the 
string "[math]" is
  +                     somewhere in the Subject line of all your postings). Make any 
proposals here 
  +                     where the group can comment on them
  +             </li>
  +             <li>
  +                     <a 
href="http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/createaccount.cgi";>Setup an account on 
  +                     and use it to formally submit Patches and identify bugs. Read 
  +                     <a 
href="http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/bugwritinghelp.html";>directions</a> for 
  +                     submitting bugs and search the database to determine if an 
issue exists or has 
  +                     already been dealt with.
  +                     <p>
  +                             Submitting Issues:      
  +                     </p>
  +                     <ul>
  +                             <li><a 
  +                             Bookmarkable Template for submitting patches.
  +                             </a></li>
  +                             <li><a 
  +                             Bookmarkable Template for submitting bugs.
  +                             </a></li>
  +                     </ul>
  +                     <p>
  +                             Querying the Database:  
  +                     </p>
  +                     <ul>
  +                             <li><a 
  +                                     New and Existing Issues.
  +                             </a></li>
  +                             <li><a 
  +                                     Resolved and Closed Issues.
  +                             </a></li>
  +                     </ul>
  +             </li>
  +     </ol>
  +    </p>
  +   </subsection>
      <subsection name='Coding Style'>
        Commons-math follows <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/";>Code
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  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/index.xml,v
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  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
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  @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
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  +<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xdoc.xsl"?>
   <!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
  @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
                         Thread Subject: [math] Complex dilemmas
  -                  <li><a href="http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL 
  +                  <li><a href="http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL 
                         Thread Subject: [math] Complex implementation
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/xdoc.xsl
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  -<document url="analysis.html">
  -  <properties>
  -    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Numerical Analysis</title>
  -    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  -  </properties>
  -  <body>
  -    <section name="4 Numerical Analysis">
  -      <subsection name="4.1 Overview" href="overview">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="4.2 Root-finding" href="rootfinding">
  -        <p>
  -          <code>org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealSolver</code> 
provides the means to
  -          find roots of univariate, real valued, functions.  Commons-Math supports 
  -          implementations of <code>UnivariateRealSolver</code> to solve functions 
with differing
  -          characteristics.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          In order to use the root-finding features, first a solver object must be 
created.  It is
  -          encouraged that all solver object creation occurs via the 
  -          class.  <code>UnivariateRealSolverFactory</code> is a simple factory used 
to create all
  -          of the solver objects supported by Commons-Math.  The typical usage of 
  -          to create a solver object would be:</p>
  -        <source>UnivariateRealFunction function = // some user defined function 
  -          UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = 
  -          UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newDefaultSolver(function);</source>
  -        <p>
  -          The solvers that can be instantiated via the 
<code>UnivariateRealSolverFactory</code> are detailed below:
  -          <table>
  -            <tr><th>Solver</th><th>Factory Method</th><th>Notes on Use</th></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Bisection</td><td>newBisectionSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Linear, guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Brent</td><td>newBrentSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Super-linear, guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Secant</td><td>newSecantSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Super-linear, non-guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  -          </table>
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Using a solver object, roots of functions are easily found using the 
  -          methods.  For a function <code>f</code>, and two domain values, 
<code>min</code> and
  -          <code>max</code>, <code>solve</code> computes the value <code>c</code> 
such that:
  -          <ul>
  -            <li><code>f(c) = 0.0</code></li>
  -            <li><code>min &lt;= c &lt;= max</code></li>
  -          </ul>
  -        </p>
  -        <source>UnivariateRealFunction function = // some user defined function 
  -          UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = 
  -          UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newBisectionSolver(function);
  -          double c = solver.solve(1.0, 5.0);</source>
  -        <p>
  -          Along with the <code>solve</code> methods, the 
  -          interface provides many properties to control the convergence of a 
solver.  For the most
  -          part, these properties should not have to change from their default 
values to produce
  -          quality results.  In the circumstances where changing these property 
values is needed, it
  -          is easily done through getter and setter methods on 
  -          <table>
  -            <tr><th>Property</th><th>Methods</th><th>Purpose</th></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Absolute accuracy</td><td>
  -                <div>getAbsoluteAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>resetAbsoluteAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>setAbsoluteAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be written. 
Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Function value accuracy</td><td>
  -                <div>getFunctionValueAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>resetFunctionValueAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>setFunctionValueAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be 
written. Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Maximum iteration count</td><td>
  -                <div>getMaximumIterationCount</div>
  -                <div>resetMaximumIterationCount</div>
  -                <div>setMaximumIterationCount</div></td><td>This is yet to be 
written. Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Relative accuracy</td><td>
  -                <div>getRelativeAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>resetRelativeAccuracy</div>
  -                <div>setRelativeAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be written. 
Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  -          </table>
  -        </p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="4.3 Interpolation" href="interpolation">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -    </section>
  -  </body>
  +<?xml version="1.0"?>
  +<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
  +<!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
  +<document url="analysis.html">
  +  <properties>
  +    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Numerical Analysis</title>
  +    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  +  </properties>
  +  <body>
  +    <section name="4 Numerical Analysis">
  +      <subsection name="4.1 Overview" href="overview">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="4.2 Root-finding" href="rootfinding">
  +        <p>
  +          <code>org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealSolver</code> 
provides the means to
  +          find roots of univariate, real valued, functions.  Commons-Math supports 
  +          implementations of <code>UnivariateRealSolver</code> to solve functions 
with differing
  +          characteristics.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +          In order to use the root-finding features, first a solver object must be 
created.  It is
  +          encouraged that all solver object creation occurs via the 
  +          class.  <code>UnivariateRealSolverFactory</code> is a simple factory used 
to create all
  +          of the solver objects supported by Commons-Math.  The typical usage of 
  +          to create a solver object would be:</p>
  +        <source>UnivariateRealFunction function = // some user defined function 
  +          UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = 
  +          UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newDefaultSolver(function);</source>
  +        <p>
  +          The solvers that can be instantiated via the 
<code>UnivariateRealSolverFactory</code> are detailed below:
  +          <table>
  +            <tr><th>Solver</th><th>Factory Method</th><th>Notes on Use</th></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Bisection</td><td>newBisectionSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Linear, guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Brent</td><td>newBrentSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Super-linear, guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Secant</td><td>newSecantSolver</td><td><div>Root must be 
bracketted.</div><div>Super-linear, non-guaranteed convergence</div></td></tr>
  +          </table>
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +          Using a solver object, roots of functions are easily found using the 
  +          methods.  For a function <code>f</code>, and two domain values, 
<code>min</code> and
  +          <code>max</code>, <code>solve</code> computes the value <code>c</code> 
such that:
  +          <ul>
  +            <li><code>f(c) = 0.0</code></li>
  +            <li><code>min &lt;= c &lt;= max</code></li>
  +          </ul>
  +        </p>
  +        <source>UnivariateRealFunction function = // some user defined function 
  +          UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = 
  +          UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newBisectionSolver(function);
  +          double c = solver.solve(1.0, 5.0);</source>
  +        <p>
  +          Along with the <code>solve</code> methods, the 
  +          interface provides many properties to control the convergence of a 
solver.  For the most
  +          part, these properties should not have to change from their default 
values to produce
  +          quality results.  In the circumstances where changing these property 
values is needed, it
  +          is easily done through getter and setter methods on 
  +          <table>
  +            <tr><th>Property</th><th>Methods</th><th>Purpose</th></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Absolute accuracy</td><td>
  +                <div>getAbsoluteAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>resetAbsoluteAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>setAbsoluteAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be written. 
Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Function value accuracy</td><td>
  +                <div>getFunctionValueAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>resetFunctionValueAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>setFunctionValueAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be 
written. Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Maximum iteration count</td><td>
  +                <div>getMaximumIterationCount</div>
  +                <div>resetMaximumIterationCount</div>
  +                <div>setMaximumIterationCount</div></td><td>This is yet to be 
written. Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Relative accuracy</td><td>
  +                <div>getRelativeAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>resetRelativeAccuracy</div>
  +                <div>setRelativeAccuracy</div></td><td>This is yet to be written. 
Any contributions will be greatfully accepted!</td></tr>
  +          </table>
  +        </p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="4.3 Interpolation" href="interpolation">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +    </section>
  +  </body>
  1.4       +2 -1      jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/userguide/index.xml
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  -<!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
  -<document url="special.html">
  -  <properties>
  -    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Special Functions</title>
  -    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  -  </properties>
  -  <body>
  -    <section name="5 Special Functions">
  -      <subsection name="5.1 Overview" href="overview">
  -        <p>
  -          The special functions portion of Commons-Math contains several useful 
functions not
  -          provided by <code>java.lang.Math</code>.  These functions mostly serve as 
building blocks
  -          for other portions of Commons-Math but, as others may find them useful as 
  -          methods, these special functions were included as part of the 
Commons-Math public API.
  -        </p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="5.2 Gamma functions" href="gamma">
  -        <p>
  -          <code>org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma</code> contains several 
useful functions involving the Gamma Function.
  -          <table>
  -            <tr><th>Function</th><th>Method</th><th>Reference</th></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Log Gamma</td><td>logGamma</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GammaFunction.html";>Gamma Function</a> from 
  -            <tr><td>Regularized Gamma</td><td>regularizedGammaP</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularizedGammaFunction.html";>Regularized Gamma 
Function</a> from MathWorld</td></tr>
  -          </table>
  -        </p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="5.3 Beta funtions" href="beta">
  -        <p>
  -          <code>org.apache.commons.math.special.Beta</code> contains several useful 
functions involving the Beta Function.
  -          <table>
  -            <tr><th>Function</th><th>Method</th><th>Reference</th></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Log Beta</td><td>logBeta</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BetaFunction.html";>Beta Function</a> from 
  -            <tr><td>Regularized Beta</td><td>regularizedBeta</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularizedBetaFunction.html";>Regularized Beta 
Function</a> from MathWorld</td></tr>
  -          </table>
  -        </p>
  -      </subsection>
  -    </section>
  -  </body>
  +<?xml version="1.0"?>
  +<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
  +<!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
  +<document url="special.html">
  +  <properties>
  +    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Special Functions</title>
  +    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  +  </properties>
  +  <body>
  +    <section name="5 Special Functions">
  +      <subsection name="5.1 Overview" href="overview">
  +        <p>
  +          The special functions portion of Commons-Math contains several useful 
functions not
  +          provided by <code>java.lang.Math</code>.  These functions mostly serve as 
building blocks
  +          for other portions of Commons-Math but, as others may find them useful as 
  +          methods, these special functions were included as part of the 
Commons-Math public API.
  +        </p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="5.2 Gamma functions" href="gamma">
  +        <p>
  +          <code>org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma</code> contains several 
useful functions involving the Gamma Function.
  +          <table>
  +            <tr><th>Function</th><th>Method</th><th>Reference</th></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Log Gamma</td><td>logGamma</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GammaFunction.html";>Gamma Function</a> from 
  +            <tr><td>Regularized Gamma</td><td>regularizedGammaP</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularizedGammaFunction.html";>Regularized Gamma 
Function</a> from MathWorld</td></tr>
  +          </table>
  +        </p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="5.3 Beta funtions" href="beta">
  +        <p>
  +          <code>org.apache.commons.math.special.Beta</code> contains several useful 
functions involving the Beta Function.
  +          <table>
  +            <tr><th>Function</th><th>Method</th><th>Reference</th></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Log Beta</td><td>logBeta</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BetaFunction.html";>Beta Function</a> from 
  +            <tr><td>Regularized Beta</td><td>regularizedBeta</td><td>See <a 
href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularizedBetaFunction.html";>Regularized Beta 
Function</a> from MathWorld</td></tr>
  +          </table>
  +        </p>
  +      </subsection>
  +    </section>
  +  </body>
  1.5       +92 -91    jakarta-commons/math/xdocs/userguide/stat.xml
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  -<!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
  -<document url="stat.html">
  -  <properties>
  -    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Statistics</title>
  -    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  -  </properties>
  -  <body>
  -    <section name="1 Statistics">
  -      <subsection name="1.1 Overview" href="overview">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be greatfully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="1.2 Univariate statistics" href="univariate">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="1.3 Frequency distributions" href="frequency">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="1.4 Bivariate regression" href="regression">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="1.5 Statistical tests" href="tests">
  -        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  -          accepted!</p>
  -      </subsection>
  -      <subsection name="1.6 Distribution framework" href="distributions">
  -        <p>
  -          The distribution framework provides the means to compute probability 
  -          function (PDF) probabilities and cumulative distribution function (CDF)
  -          probabilities for common probability distributions. Along with the direct
  -          computation of PDF and CDF probabilities, the framework also allows for 
  -          computation of inverse PDF and inverse CDF values.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          In order to use the distribution framework, first a distribution object 
  -          be created. It is encouraged that all distribution object creation occurs 
  -          the 
  -          class. <code>DistributionFactory</code> is a simple factory used to 
create all
  -          of the distribution objects supported by Commons-Math. The typical usage 
  -          <code>DistributionFactory</code> to create a distribution object would be:
  -        </p>
  -        <source>DistributionFactory factory = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
  -          BinomialDistribution binomial = factory.createBinomialDistribution(10, 
  -        <p>
  -          The distributions that can be instantiated via the 
  -          are detailed below:
  -          <table>
  -            <tr><th>Distribution</th><th>Factory Method</th><th>Parameters</th></tr>
  -            <tr><td>Binomial</td><td>createBinomialDistribution</td><td><div>Number 
of trials</div><div>Probability of success</div></td></tr>
<tr><td>Chi-Squared</td><td>createChiSquaredDistribution</td><td><div>Degrees of 
  -            <tr><td>F</td><td>createFDistribution</td><td><div>Numerator degrees of 
freedom</div><div>Denominator degrees of freedom</div></td></tr>
size</div><div>Number of successes in population</div><div>Sample size</div></td></tr>
  -            <tr><td>t</td><td>createTDistribution</td><td><div>Degrees of 
  -          </table>
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Using a distribution object, PDF and CDF probabilities are easily computed
  -          using the <code>cummulativeProbability</code> methods.  For a 
distribution <code>X</code>,
  -          and a domain value, <code>x</code>,  <code>cummulativeProbability</code> 
  -          <code>P(X &lt;= x)</code> (i.e. the lower tail probability of 
  -        </p>
  -        <source>DistributionFactory factory = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
  -          TDistribution t = factory.createBinomialDistribution(29);
  -          double lowerTail = t.cummulativeProbability(-2.656);     // P(T &lt;= 
  -          double upperTail = 1.0 - t.cummulativeProbability(2.75); // P(T &gt;= 
  -        <p>
  -          The inverse PDF and CDF values are just as easily computed using the
  -          <code>inverseCummulativeProbability</code>methods.  For a distribution 
  -          and a probability, <code>p</code>,  
  -          computes the domain value <code>x</code>, such that:
  -          <ul>
  -            <li><code>P(X &lt;= x) = p</code>, for continuous distributions</li>
  -            <li><code>P(X &lt;= x) &lt;= p</code>, for discrete distributions</li>
  -          </ul>
  -          Notice the different cases for continuous and discrete distributions.  
This is the result
  -          of PDFs not being invertible functions.  As such, for discrete 
distributions, an exact
  -          domain value can not be returned.  Only the "best" domain value.  For 
Commons-Math, the "best"
  -          domain value is determined by the largest domain value whose cummulative 
probability is
  -          less-than or equal to the given probability.
  -        </p>
  -      </subsection>
  -    </section>
  -  </body>
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  +<document url="stat.html">
  +  <properties>
  +    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Statistics</title>
  +    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Phil Steitz</author>
  +  </properties>
  +  <body>
  +    <section name="1 Statistics">
  +      <subsection name="1.1 Overview" href="overview">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be greatfully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="1.2 Univariate statistics" href="univariate">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="1.3 Frequency distributions" href="frequency">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="1.4 Bivariate regression" href="regression">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="1.5 Statistical tests" href="tests">
  +        <p>This is yet to be written. Any contributions will be gratefully
  +          accepted!</p>
  +      </subsection>
  +      <subsection name="1.6 Distribution framework" href="distributions">
  +        <p>
  +          The distribution framework provides the means to compute probability 
  +          function (PDF) probabilities and cumulative distribution function (CDF)
  +          probabilities for common probability distributions. Along with the direct
  +          computation of PDF and CDF probabilities, the framework also allows for 
  +          computation of inverse PDF and inverse CDF values.
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +          In order to use the distribution framework, first a distribution object 
  +          be created. It is encouraged that all distribution object creation occurs 
  +          the 
  +          class. <code>DistributionFactory</code> is a simple factory used to 
create all
  +          of the distribution objects supported by Commons-Math. The typical usage 
  +          <code>DistributionFactory</code> to create a distribution object would be:
  +        </p>
  +        <source>DistributionFactory factory = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
  +          BinomialDistribution binomial = factory.createBinomialDistribution(10, 
  +        <p>
  +          The distributions that can be instantiated via the 
  +          are detailed below:
  +          <table>
  +            <tr><th>Distribution</th><th>Factory Method</th><th>Parameters</th></tr>
  +            <tr><td>Binomial</td><td>createBinomialDistribution</td><td><div>Number 
of trials</div><div>Probability of success</div></td></tr>
<tr><td>Chi-Squared</td><td>createChiSquaredDistribution</td><td><div>Degrees of 
  +            <tr><td>F</td><td>createFDistribution</td><td><div>Numerator degrees of 
freedom</div><div>Denominator degrees of freedom</div></td></tr>
size</div><div>Number of successes in population</div><div>Sample size</div></td></tr>
  +            <tr><td>t</td><td>createTDistribution</td><td><div>Degrees of 
  +          </table>
  +        </p>
  +        <p>
  +          Using a distribution object, PDF and CDF probabilities are easily computed
  +          using the <code>cummulativeProbability</code> methods.  For a 
distribution <code>X</code>,
  +          and a domain value, <code>x</code>,  <code>cummulativeProbability</code> 
  +          <code>P(X &lt;= x)</code> (i.e. the lower tail probability of 
  +        </p>
  +        <source>DistributionFactory factory = DistributionFactory.newInstance();
  +          TDistribution t = factory.createBinomialDistribution(29);
  +          double lowerTail = t.cummulativeProbability(-2.656);     // P(T &lt;= 
  +          double upperTail = 1.0 - t.cummulativeProbability(2.75); // P(T &gt;= 
  +        <p>
  +          The inverse PDF and CDF values are just as easily computed using the
  +          <code>inverseCummulativeProbability</code>methods.  For a distribution 
  +          and a probability, <code>p</code>,  
  +          computes the domain value <code>x</code>, such that:
  +          <ul>
  +            <li><code>P(X &lt;= x) = p</code>, for continuous distributions</li>
  +            <li><code>P(X &lt;= x) &lt;= p</code>, for discrete distributions</li>
  +          </ul>
  +          Notice the different cases for continuous and discrete distributions.  
This is the result
  +          of PDFs not being invertible functions.  As such, for discrete 
distributions, an exact
  +          domain value can not be returned.  Only the "best" domain value.  For 
Commons-Math, the "best"
  +          domain value is determined by the largest domain value whose cummulative 
probability is
  +          less-than or equal to the given probability.
  +        </p>
  +      </subsection>
  +    </section>
  +  </body>
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