
I was looking through the docs, and the /examples.html was a great way to
go!  Something that kinda jumped out at me, having really looked at the
examples is the case where we want to load up a


It looks a little weird to have this optional attribute "className".  I am
thinking that we should change instead to:

 <dom4j fileName="gui.xml"/>  <!--normal dom4j -->
 <hierarchicalDom4j fileName="gui.xml"/>  <!--heriarchical dom4j -->
 <hierarchical fileName="gui.xml"/>  <!--heriarchical dom4j -->

I am thinking that this might be a little cleaner..  do you foresee ever
havign multiple classes providing the dom4j implementation?  The className
makes sense if we had 3 or more, but with just two, where the attribute is
optional, it seems a little confusing..  any opinons?

I am hoping to work towards getting the "polish" done on
commons-configuration and then push for a move out of commons sandbox...


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