Hi OLiver,

Oliver Heger wrote on Wednesday, March 03, 2004 1:26 PM:
> The classes that load configuration data from XML files
> internally all
> make use of dom4j. I am not sure what you mean with support
> for w3c DOM.

well, I would like to use XML configuration without the need for DOM4J, since JDK 1.4 
comes with anything necessary. I realize, that configuration is pre JDK 1.4 code, but 
it completely lacks of the "standard" DOM.
> There is a class named ConfigurationXMLDocument that allows
> to treat a
> Configuration object as a source of SAX events. IIRC this
> class also has
> a method that converts a Configuration into a w3c document, but under
> the hood it also uses dom4j. 
> Unfortunately the ConfigurationXMLDocument class has been accidently
> dropped when [configuration] moved from sandbox to proper. There is a
> patch pending that adds this class again. If you are
> interested in this
> class, you can have a look in CVS view:

Well, this is not what I would like to have, again because of the dom4j dependency. I 
already have a HierarchicalDOMConfiguration that is based on the w3c classes only. I 
just took the code from HierarchicalDOM4JConfiguration and replaced the relevant 
parts. The same could be done for a DOMConfiguration. To complete the DOM support a 
<dom> tag could be supported by the factory. Also the factory could be refactored so 
that the most functionality is in an abstract base class and the derived classes would 
add the supported tags. ConfigurationFactory would support anything contained in the 
configuration package (= backward compatibility) and the user could create his own 
factory with the elements he would like to use (and their dependencies). Additionally 
this would allow user-defined Configuration classes or the support of 
DatabaseConfiguration in the factory.

What do you think? 


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