hi mauro

am i right in thinking that you mean NDC (nested diagnostic context) rather than MDC?

as you might have noticed, there's quite a bit of debate at the moment about exactly where JCL should actually go.

in the beginning, it was easy. (well actually no, it wasn't easy or fun in many other ways but the basic concept was straightforward.) JCL would be a thin bridging layer for bricks presenting the bare bones functionality required.

even though it suffered from numerous technical imperfections, JCL became widely used not just as a solution to the original problem but also as a solution to a subtly different one: logging from what might loosely be termed enterprise components (large sub-systems which are complex enough to be regarded as applications in their own right but must be capable of deployment in a variety of environments as parts of larger applications). bricks are widely used in enterprise components and so this is an important use case for brick developers but enterprise components also have needs which bricks don't.

i suspect that a layer to abstract NDCs would be useful for enterprise components but not bricks. so, i'd be unlikely to commit any extension to JCL in this area. that's where my personal line is drawn. other may think differently.

i'd recommend choosing one of the following courses of action:

1. create a bug report and attach your code. join in the current debate and lobby for inclusion in JCL2.
2. create a project (at sourceforge, for example) aimed at extending JCL to solve problems common to enterprise components. i have high hopes that the new discovery code for JCL2 will be much more modular and allow others to tap into the same mechanism. if you go down this route, feel free to add a link to this new project to the wiki.

- robert

On 23 Jan 2005, at 17:08, Mauro Franceschini wrote:

For my needs I've developed a series of patches to the standard 1.0.4
commons-logging code base in order to make available the MDC (in the
case of log4j) or ContextMap (in the case of logkit) to
commons-logging using applications.

How can I contribute to commons-logging codebase with this new functions?


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