On 2005-01-24 19:39:06 Richard Sitze wrote:

>1. It's not indiscriminate logging.  That's why we call it tracing, and
>that's why the logging impls [such as Log4J] allow us to turn it on/off.
>2. The fact of the matter is that in many corporate operational
>environments, production-level [that's *not* development] systems are
>guarded carefully.  Installing additional components [debuggers], never
>MIND running them, is not an option.  When one fails to duplicate a
>problem in a development environment, customers *expect* us to be able to
>glean information from productions system that can demonstrate the

I was not suggesting the use of debuggers at all, not one bit. When
you attempt to log everything, then logging can be abstractly viewed
as a persistent debugger.

>3. Are your pokes/jabs at me for being an IBM employee necessary?  I've
>spent 2/5 of my career at IBM.  When I exceed 1/2, you come on back and
>I'll listen to you more seriously.

No jabs at you personally. I am an ex-IBM employee. Some of the IBM
products we struggled with at the time generated so much log output
that I still vividly recall the frustration. The lesson from that

  Too much logging can as bad as the absence of logging.

>My goal is to be an advocate of the technologies and techniques I see that
>can benefit the community.  I *will* argue for what I believe to be in the
>best interest of the development community.  And when the decisions are
>made, I will support them.  That's the stance I take with my employer:
>defending open-source decisions that I may not agree with.
>That I am tainted by my experience, environment, etc., is a fact of life..
>and part of the process.  It's the strength of open source development.
>It's why we have developers from many backgrounds make up our community.
>Why do you want to make that a negative?

Having personally experienced the negative effects of the approach
advocated by IBM, I am trying to warn to community.  However, you and
IBM have every right to advocate your point of view. I sincerely
apologize if my comments came across as disparaging IBM or you
personally, that was not my intention.

>I claim that entry/exit at class/method is reasonable.. along with other
>best-practices I've described in other notes.
>It's easily identifiable, it's convenient, it's easy to automate [AspectJ
>or other tooling], and more importantly it's *useful*.  Should it stop
>there?  No.  Is it a reasonable, and easily understood, starting point for
>instrumenting code with logging?  Yes.

You can go overboard with logging. Method entry/exit logs happens to
be convenient and easy way of generating tons of garbage. :-)

>I've personally been in situations where the errors could not be
>duplicated "in the lab".  Differences in hardware, and in the particular
>case in my mind, even to the extent of different revisions of firmware on
>otherwise similar systems introduce variable that are not always easily

Instead of instrument every copy of your application, you can
instrument a special version to identify the problem on that special
environment. Once the problem is identified, you move on. There is no
need to pollute every copy of your application.

-- Ceki Gülcü

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