Generally.... doing the layout is not the hard thing, I feel... you need to sync your model.
I sort of know XForms but also know it has some strong drawback, e.g. it is quite uncapable of providing the user with the appearance to edit mixed content...
XForms is based on XML Schema, by the way, not DTD!

JGoodies sounds commercial... or ?

XWing ( may be your friend... it's not very live anymore but is a jelly-powered set of components with xml nodes model. No DTD or Schema in here.

Jelly Swing could take an advantage of diving further in such a direction... it hasn't come yet. It is amply capable of creating a layout based on a complex data-structure...
(XML-parsing is very powerful in Jelly)

Two ingredients, I believe, are missing to JellySwing to become powerful:
- the ability to reload a script thus repopulating a container, for example, once you change an XML model as the result of a button. That's already in but not much tested or used yet
- the ability to encode content directly in HTML using the Swing HTML-pane thus allowing free-text presentation and html layout capabilities (which everyone knows)

Remember one thing: JellySwing is bound to Swing and that brings its strength... but also... no standard here like XForms does.


Le 4 févr. 05, à 00:26, Vic a écrit :

I read this post and idea came up:

How would I start writing a XML reader that would read a DTD (Based on XForms + JGoodies Forms Layout) and make a complex, nested Swing Panel?

(If MDA is supposed to let us write C# AND Java.... XForums could be the start of HTML or Swing or... )

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