BCEL was (until recently) a dormant project, no active committers around anymore to respond to questions / commit bug fixes.
Because BCEL is at jakarta level this was/is problematic.
The Jakarta PMC cannot provide oversight if no committers are present and on the PMC so this would main the end of BCEL.

The BCEL problem was resolved. An external contributer was voted in as committer and some existing PMC members are acting as mentors to bring this component back to full health.

To prevent this kind of situation is one of the reasons jakarta-commons was formed: To protect smaller component/libraries. We stick together and form a larger community with more committers/contributers.

-- Dirk

Anaximandro (Woody) wrote:
Tim O'Brien, please, sorry by my stupidity, but how do you means with:

To promote feedparser out of commons at this point might create the
possibility for another "BCEL".



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