Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:


JXPath has always supported Xalan through JAXP DOM APIs.  What you may have 
seen in the source code of JXPath is some attempts to optimize JXPath when it 
is used specifically in combination with Xalan.  You would not be interested in 
that optimization, because it would only be applied to static DOM and take 
advantage of DTM.

Try using JXPath and let us know how it works out.

Dumb question (which I probably figured out last time I tried this stuff, but have no notes/recollection of):

   Is there an equivalent of Xalan's one-size-fits-all "XObject  xobj =
   xpath.execute(...)" mechanism in JXPath?

I'm looking for a CompiledExpression.getValue() that returns an Object for which:

  1. I know the various possible return types when this is applied to a
  2. The result is the most appropriate (as per the XPath standard) of
     the following:
         * NodeList or NodeIterator -- or something from which I can
           easily implement one or both of these interfaces
         * Boolean
         * Number
         * String

[I assume callers will apply includes castes within their XPath expressions as necessary where they expect a non-node result.]

Is there such a beast?

The one-API fits all (beans, JDOM, DOM, etc) approach makes this a bit hard for me to decipher.

Jess Holle

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