On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 15:09 +0000, Tim Roberts wrote:
> +1 I support creating a functors library (but not necessarily called
> collections-functors).
> Rational: 
> I think functors are a powerful approach to software design, under
> represented (in java) and non-standardised. I would like to see functors
> (sandbox) integrated and have a common interface set (and would like to help
> with such an undertaking). In addition to reducing the size of collections
> developers would, IMO, like to be able to use functors separately from
> collections. 

i'm beginning to suspect that there are number of secret functor users
out there...

a lack of community prevented the functor component progressing from the
sandbox. perhaps times have changed and there may be now enough
momentum. would need a committer with enough time as well as enough
interested developers... 


> PS I'm new to this open-source community stuff so apologies for any
> mistakes/inappropriate actions (such as voting on this change).

you're very welcome to cast a vote but only some votes are binding.
(binding votes are those that count towards the final tally.) you'll
often see folks express this sometimes as '+1 (non-binding)'. (there's a
wiki page on nettiquette

here at apache, we like to encourage as many people as possible to
contribute to development and an important way of doing that is to
debate decisions. votes are just one part of that process, a way to
focus the debate.

- robert

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