Has everyone been following the bit on

"Committers will need to properly configure their svn client. One
particular issue is OS-specific line-endings for text files. When you
add a new text file, especially when applying patches from Bugzilla,
first ensure that the line-endings are appropriate for *your* system,
then do ...

svn add test.txt
svn propset svn:eol-style native test.txt

Your svn client can be configured to do that automatically for some
common file types. Add the list to your ~/.subversion/config
[http://www.apache.org/dev/svn-eol-style.txt] file. However, you
should still pay attention to the messages from your svn client when
you do 'svn commit'. "

Just checking :)


On 12/3/05, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Martin.  I stand corrected then and will shut up about this.
> To close this out, I guess we are agreeing that we have no standard
> for line endings and will make no attempt to make them consistent.  I
> did not know the Windows cvs client was also converting the files, so
> thought this was a "new" problem introduced by svn.  Sorry for the
> noise.
> I also agree (strongly) that we need to make releasing easier.   Sorry
> if I this discussion seemed like negative progress.
> Phil
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