I think I would rather focus on how Commons came to be, how "big" it is (counting downloads??), and try to convey how fantastically they stabilized with some graphs from StatCVS. A "come and have a look" kinda thing, "OSS success story".

See you there!

On 7 Dec 2005, at 1:44, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

I will be giving a 15 minute speech on Commons at Javapolis, I titled it 'new and upcoming at commons'

Now there is very little I can really cover in 15 minutes, but does anyone have any comments?

At present my prsentation is all about collections/lang/io (examples of using new classes) as that is what I know best, but it hardly seems balanced!

Any views on whether I should abandon the examples and just focus on descriptions? What would you want from a 15 minute talk on commons? What do you think our users would want?


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