
Simon Kitching wrote:
If I were writing a 1.4+ library or app, I'd just use java.util.logging

Which reminds me: is the JULI implementation of the java.util.logging
API (used in tomcat) available as an independent library? If not, maybe
it is worth extracting it as a project of the logging.apache.org group?
this is exactly what x4juli ( http://www.x4juli.org ) does:
Combine the advantages of Tomcat JULI (Support of "per Classloader Logging / configuration and avoiding memory leaks"),
port the configuration, appenders and goodies of log4j,
and implementing a native version of JCL and SLF4J (Different to a static/dynamic bound wrapper, the X4JULI Logger does implement the interfaces).

Currently I am spending 12-16 hours per day at my company and have no time to develop and release a new version, but may be in September/October. The current SVN trunk does not work, I had to stop my development for mentioned reasons. The version 0.6 does work, even when there is a problem in the samples with the binaries.


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