Torsten Curdt <tcurdt <at>> writes:

> > I really wonder why this should be a concern of the actual component at all.
> > A component is an encapsulated piece of software with a well-defined
> > interface (here API). If there are problems in the environment in using this
> > component or looking it up (here jar hell/classpath), then this is a problem
> > of the environment, not a concern of the component. Therefore this thing has
> > also to be fixed in the environment.
> >
> > Classloader shielding is an appropriate solution.
> Classloader shielding does not help if your application uses libA and libB
> both having dependencies on libC ...but of different versions - that are
> incompatible.
> I fail see how that is environment related.

It is in so far as the application has a problem by using libA and libB. libC
itself has no problem, but its users. So it is not the component, but the

Just put the shielding on a lower (than the application) level and it works
again, doesn't it?


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