Niall Pemberton (JIRA) wrote:

> Aaron thanks for preparing a patch. This would need to go into a
> BeanUtils 2 version since it isn't backwardly compatible. Whether
> there will ever be a BeanUtils 2 version is another question. At this
> point in time I don't think the chances are high.

Why not? Please elaborate your reasons. Is 1.8 the latest release you
ever want to do or do you think 2.0 is too early right now?

Or, to attack this from another angle, how about adding a second API
layer so users can choose? I could either create a set of "NCE" (No
Checked Exception) methods along with the existing ones or a copy of the
packages into sub-package called nce. I'm not sure which one would be
the better approach.

On a related note, I'm currently writing a "BeanWriter" which can
convert beans to strings, XML and Java (for test cases). It's similar to
serialization but the configuration happens in the writer, not in the
classes to write out. I have based this code on my patch. It wouldn't be
too hard to port it back to the 1.8 API but I'd prefer to use the new
one, of course :-)


Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
"It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
Follow me and I'll show you something beyond the limits."

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