Niall Pemberton <niall.pemberton <at>> writes:

> The ant build only seems to work for JDK 1.3 when the geronimo jars
> are overriden with the sun ones and doesn't work for me for JDK 1.4

Yes, it stands and fails with the correct jee jars as I wrote recently [1].

> (tests fail because it can't find junit).

This might have been done with an especially prepared Ant. You either have to
drop both ant-junit.jar (Ant task) and junit.jar (JUnit itself) into Ant
classpaths or separate both jars from it [2]. (This seems to have changed with
Ant 1.7.) I guess the dist was always done with junit.jar dropped into Ant's
classpath as there is no taskdef in build.xml.

> So it seems a waste of time having them in the repo. I can update the ant
> build to download the other jars (or allow them to be specified in a
> if its important to have a working ant  build for 1.3.

In general I don't like the need for internet access on build time. But with Ant
it's at least better than with Maven as the build environment itself does not
get changed.

Is it really the only solution? Can Geronimo offer those jars compiled with JDK
1.3 (whoever has to do this work)? Hmm, wait, Cocoon 2.1 uses them as well and
also claims 1.3 compatibility. I'll have a look.

Even if not I do not see it as a blocker if the build does not work with 1.3.
The same was true for older releases, so there is no deterioration. It only must
be runnable with 1.3 and this should be true when you have 1.3 compiled jee 

> I'm wondering how the RC was created since neither the ant or maven
> builds seem to currently produce what RC3 contained.

No idea. But if JUnit is the only remaining problem when building with 1.4 I
wrote a probable subtile difference in the environment above.

> If it helps I can tag and produce another RC (using the maven build).

That would be fine as I don't have any experience with releasing on Apache.
(I only have written a company internal build system based on Ant 1.6 2 years
ago, where I just need to do "dist projectname" and everything happens from
clean check out to tagging and finally putting it into a local repository.)



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