On 2/9/07, Oliver Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
> 1.4 is missing from the downloads page.
Which downloads page? Or do you mean the Javadocs?

Nope, the downloads page on the site:


I just don't remember how I got to it :)

> Couple of checkstyle errors (no idea if they matter).
Just 2, I think this is acceptable.

If you build another RC, worth fixing. Not a blocker.

> Minor nitpick on the Runtime Dependencies page - 'couple' means 2, not 7 :)
Okay, will reword. Maybe a 'bunch'?

Just make it:

"Commons Configuration makes use of other Commons components. "

> Clirr in the xml format is even less readable than the txt format - "-s
> text"
> RELEASE_NOTES.txt has an odd character between 'first' and 'whether'
> Unpacking the source, the ant and m1 builds work fine, but the m2
> build fails because it can't find:
> javax.sql:jdbc-stdext:jar:2.0
What is your environment, Hen? I cannot reproduce this problem. This is
one of those jars that always make trouble because it cannot be
distributed through the maven repositories. It should be needed only for
JDK 1.3.

OS X. JVM 1.5 - the Maven build and Ant build were working in the same
window and I don't have the stdext jars in the maven repository or my
ANT_HOME/lib. So the problem isn't the classic 'we can't ship it', but
that the m1 and ant builds are doing something different to the m2

I run 'mvn clean package' in the trunk of configuration and it fails,
while 'maven clean jar' passes.


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