On 5/25/07, Roy van Rijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While browsing through the Commons Math API today I noticed there
aren't any prime algorithms in it. Then I noticed the request for
these algorithms on the wiki WishList.

Is anybody working on this yet? If not, could this be a good start?

(new to ASF)

Thanks, Roy!

After unpacking and looking at the code, I am not sure a software
grant would really be required, since the initial contribution is
small.  That is a *good* thing, not just to avoid bureaucracy, but so
we can talk about and develop the code in the community.

I think the best thing to do to get started is for you to first take a
look at http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt to make sure you can
legally contribute this or other code to apache.  You don't have to
submit this form yet, just make sure that your contributions can
comply with the terms.

Assuming you have no problem with the icla, you should then open a
JIRA ticket and attach the code in the rar as plain text java files to
the ticket.  Then we can discuss the code, hash out design, etc., here
on the list.

Thanks again for your contribution!


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