
thanks for clarification. In this case I consider it to be a feature (which
could indeed be very useful) rather than a bug.

* The Commons SCXML implementation generates a .change event when a
piece of any data model changes (similarly it generates a .entry when
any state is entered and a .exit when a state is exited). Which means
one can watch some part of the datamodel for an update for triggering
a transition. This is quite useful for communicating across regions


I understand there are some subtleties here, and the above definitely
needs to be better documented. If you want to help, feel free to add
some of your recent experiences and some of the pitfalls to the
Commons SCXML wiki [1] by creating a new page (you'll need to create
an account to log in, if you don't already have one).


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/SCXML

I'll try to write some comments within the near future.

BTW: Are there any other pitfalls or "features" in commons-scxml which
extending the (current) standard?

- Ingmar.

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