Thanks for your support.
I tested to get cookies from public sites such as and I noticed the no 
version is specified in "COMPATIBILITY" mode. I don't have an access to the concerned 
system right now. I thought I used it but I will check it again. By the way, problem 
occurred at application side. It is ASP application and it tires to use CInt function 
to convert received cookie to integer but error occurred because "$version=0" was 
included in it. 
Thanks again
Kazuya Imabayashi

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 5:39 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: cookie version info


I can't tell for what reasons IE behaves as it does.

Cookies with version 0 are always formatted using CookiePolicy.NETSCAPE. You can 
search for the cookie in the HttpState, then use setVersion() to change the version 
number. Then, the cookie will be formatted by the default CookiePolicy, which you can 
replace. That's for the HttpClient version in CVS HEAD.

When thinking about it, this sounds a lot like a hack.
I wonder why the application sends a Netscape style cookie if it can't handle it when 
it comes back. Or maybe the application does *not* send a Netscape style cookie, but 
fails to provide appropriate version info.
Kayzuya, which version of HttpClient are you using?
And could you post a wire log, so we can see what cookie headers are actually received 
from and sent back to the server?


"Imabayashi, Kazuya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19.03.2004 09:26
Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"
        To:     "'Commons HttpClient Project'" 
        Subject:        RE: cookie version info

Thanks a lot for your reply.
Then why IE does not pass it to server? Is there any way to strip it off using 
Kazuya Imabayashi

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 5:16 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: cookie version info


there are two versions of the Cookie spec, the old one (RFC 2109) and the new one (RFC 
2965). Cookies that adhere to the new spec include version info when sent back to the 
server. RFC 2965 also includes information about compatibility with older servers.

My guess is that the server supports the new cookies, but the application running on 
the server does not.


"Imabayashi, Kazuya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19.03.2004 08:56
Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"
        To:     Commons HttpClient Project 
        Subject:        cookie version info

Hi there,

I have a small question regarding cookie handling.
When I execute GetMethod to some host, cookies are returned.
However, each cookie has its version info, like "$version=0".
An application of the target host cannot process this properly.
When I took some http traces via IE, no version info specified.

Does anybody have any idea on this?

Kazuya Imabayashi

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