The proposal looks good to me. I think we are ready for a vote.


On Mar 23, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Adrian Sutton wrote:

Hi all,
Are there any further comments on this or are we ready to put it to a vote?

I have not had any response from any of the inactive committers and figure a
week is long enough to wait. They can of course be reinstated as a
committer at any time in the future by just requesting it (and sorting out
the CLA if need be).

The proposal below is unchanged from the last draft with the only suggested
change being moving the dependency to Java 1.3 - the consensus seems to be
that there's no real cause for dropping Java 1.2 support at this stage.

If there are no further suggestions I'll get a vote thread started in the
next couple of days.


Adrian Sutton.

HTTP is the main protocol used today on the internet. Although the JDK
includes basic support for building HTTP-aware client applications, it
doesn't provide the flexibility or ease of use needed for many projects.

The current package in Jakarta-Commons is a widely used implementation with
a strong community behind it. The size of it's community and it's project
has significantly outgrown the commons project and a move to a Jakarta level
project would provide better support for that community and for the on going
development of HttpClient.

The project shall create and maintain a Java library implementing the client
side of the HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 protocol, as defined in RFC 1945, RFC 2616 and
RFC 2617.

HttpClient also supports the following RFCs.

* RFC 2109 for HTTP state management mechanism (Cookies) - an upgrade to RFC
2965 is planned for a future version of HttpClient

* RFC 2396 Uniform Resoruce Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax

* RFC 1867 Form-based File Upload in HTML

The package should:

* Have an API which should be as simple to use as possible
* Be as easy to extend as possible
* Provide unconditional support for HTTP/1.1

The package is quite different from the HTTP client provided as part of the
JDK (, as it focuses on the HTTP methods being
sent (instead of making that transparent to the user), and generally allows
more interaction with the lower level connection. The JDK client is also
not very intuitive to use.

The package is used by a wide range of projects both within the ASF and from
third parties. These include:

* Jakarta Slide
* Jakarta Commons Latka
* Nortel Networks
* HtmlUnit
* Jakarta Cactus
* JSR 147
* NOSE Applied Intelligence ag
* MindIQ's Design-a-Course
* ContactOffice
* Newknow
* de4d2c
* Furies
* Term Highlighting for Verity Ultraseek search results
* Mule - Universal Message Objects
* many more.

(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages

HttpClient relies on:

* Java Development Kit (Version 1.2 or later; 1.3 or later recommended)
* Jakarta commons-logging (Version 1.0 or later)
* Jakarta commons-codec (Version 1.2 or later)


The initial codebase exists as a sub-project of Jakarta-Commons, in the
httpclient subdirectory of the jakarta-commons cvs tree.

The proposed package name for the new sub-project is org.apache.httpclient.


* CVS Repository - New module, jakarta-httpclient in the CVS repository.

* Initial Committers - The list is provided below. All of the proposed
committers are currently jakarta-commons committers.

* Mailing List - Two new mailing lists will be required:
These will be used for developer discussions and user discussions
respectively. CVS commit messages will be sent to the httpclient-dev list.

* Bugzilla - New product category "HttpClient", with appropriate version
identifiers as needed. Existing bugs in the HttpClient component under the
Commons product category will need to be migrated.

The initial committers on the HttpClient component shall be:

* Michael Becke
* Jeff Dever
* dIon Gillard
* Ortwin Glück
* Oleg Kalnichevski
* Adrian Sutton

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