You are right. HttpClient uses tunnelling only when doing HTTPS. Hence the confusion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 15:03
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: Tunneling non-HTTP through a web proxy with HttpClient

Hi Oleg,

I guess it's just a typo, but to be sure:
The CONNECT method is for establishing a
generic tunnel through an HTTP proxy.
SSL tunneling is just one application of that.


"Kalnichevski, Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
26.03.2004 14:49
Please respond to "Commons HttpClient Project"

        To:     "Commons HttpClient Project"
        Subject:        RE: Tunneling non-HTTP through a web proxy with

All Mikes, Roland, and all
I believe it _might_ be possible to implement a generic SSL tunnelling
mechanism using stock version of HttpClient. The only API change it may
requite is adding protected HttpConnection#getSocket method. I may try to
hack something up this weekend.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 14:44
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Tunneling non-HTTP through a web proxy with HttpClient

> Hi Mike & Mike


> Since CONNECT is also an HTTP method, it is not totally
> out of scope for the HttpClient. From RFC 2616, section 9.9:

Agreed.  CONNECT is definitely an HTTP method.  The only question is if

we should support it's use in non-HTTP contexts.

> Maybe we can consider official support for CONNECT
> as a feature for the big 4.0 API overhaul.

It seems like it could be a good addition.  My only hesitation is in

giving direct access to the Socket.  This seems like a pretty major

departure from our current system.


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