Roland Weber wrote:

Hi Ortwin,

the quote was not meant as an estimation.
Just a hint why that part of the URI spec
might be less well known as others.

Ok :-)

BTW, the section also defines the valid characters:

      userinfo      = *( unreserved | escaped |
                         ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )

unreserved = alphanum | mark mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" escaped = "%" hex hex alphanum = (is just [a-zA-Z0-9])

So, actually this seems not to be a bug in the URI classes directly. The hash # character should have been escaped with %23 in the first place. All we could do is check for invalid characters and throw an exception here. I'm just not sure if this check is actually worth it. Probably not. It makes parsing overly complicated. We should just well formatted input for URI and HttpURL classes.

Gustav, can you live with this answer?

Ortwin Glück

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