Some comments on the posted code:

1. You should execute releaseConnection in a finally block, to ensure the connection is returned to the pool in any case:

PostMethod post = null;
try {
  post = new PostMethod(urlAddress);
  /* ... */
} finally {
  if (post != null) post.releaseConnection();

Otherwise you the connection pool might run out of connections if exceptions occur.

2. You are setting the Authorization header manually. You could use HttpClient's built-in authentication logic instead.

3. You are setting the encoding in the Content-Type header to ISO-8859-1, but you do not specify any encoding in xmlStr.getBytes(). This assumes that the default platform encoding be ISO-8859-1, which is true for Windows in certain locales but not for most other platforms. Furthermore this assumes your <?xml ?> Header uses encoding="ISO-8859-1", which I can not verify from the code. I suggest you get the XML Stream (not a String) from a DOM directly and specify the same encoding as in the Content-Type header.

paul wrote:

   It seems from the wire logs I gathered, that's the normal behaviour.

   I am creating a new HttpMethod object for every send.

   Only when I receive the response, then releaseConnection was called.

   Here's the code :
//convert trade to xml
        String xmlStr = convertTradeToXMLString(trade, some1id, someid);

PostMethod post = new PostMethod(urlAddress);
post.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1");
post.setRequestHeader ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
post.setRequestHeader("HTTP-Version", "HTTP/1.1");
post.setRequestHeader ("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
xmlInBytes =new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStr.getBytes());
if (xmlStr.length() < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
else {
// Execute request

toConsole("B4 sending xml, connMgr.getConnectionsInUse()="+connMgr.getConnectionsInUse());
toConsole(">>>>>>>> Send xml to somewhere @ "+ new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
int result = httpClient.executeMethod(post);
//System.out.println("Response body: ");
MQClientConstants.toConsole(">>>>>>>> Reply from fxlink received @ "+ new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String xml = post.getResponseBodyAsString();


Httpclient was created like this :
connMgr = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
connMgr.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( MAXHOSTCONNECTIONS );//20 connections
MQClientConstants.toConsole("MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager setMaxConnectionsPerHost = "+MAXHOSTCONNECTIONS);

connMgr.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
MQClientConstants.toConsole("MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled = "+true);
httpClient = new HttpClient(connMgr);
httpClient.setTimeout(TIMEOUT);//5 secs


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