
At a quick glance, it appears that there is one problem that I've experienced that the SSL guide doesn't seem to cover. Presumably, once you've created your self-certified certificate, you added it to your JVM's cacerts file using the keytool? I've found that a self-signed certificate may not work unless you pass the -trustcacerts option when doing the import. Not sure why that is, and your experience may vary based on the JRE version you're using.


Andre-John Mas wrote:


I have set up a Tomcat 4.1 server to use SSL, with the help of a self-certified
certificate, ie with no trusted third party certifying it. I now try getting
my client, which uses 'commons-httpclient-2.0-rc2' to connect. When I do,
I get the following exception: No trusted certificate found

Is there a way to get self-certified certifcates to be automatically trusted.
I must admit I am a newbie when it comes to SSL, so any help would be very much



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