Jennifer Ward wrote:

On Jul 15, 2004, at 1:09 AM, Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:

(3) What web server you are targeting?

We are using Apache Tomcat with Slide for WebDAV support.


At least in Tomcat 4.0, it silently processes the "Expect 100 Continue" so that the web-application never sees that part of the request. In the servlet environment, a web-app must enable container managed security before the client would even have a chance of the "expect 100 continue" process to work as desired, and even then, I don't think that the "connectors" necessarily support it (correctly).

Absent the container managed security, Tomcat (or any other servlet container, for that matter) will be forced to pass along the request to the web application - at which point the web-application may decide that the invoker is not authorized, and force the client to send an additional request. That sounds like you might be seeing that behavior.

If you "control" the server, then you can look at the choice of Tomcat version and supported connector, and look into doing container managed security for your Slide-based webapp. You might need to send emails to the corresponding mailing lists to get to the bottom of it....


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