> So using option 1, will close only the exact connection opened by the httpclient in
> helper class. i.e the connection that is used to invoke the post method on the
> httpclient.   It does not close any arbitrary connection. Am I right?

You are right.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karthikeyani K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 19:37
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: parameter of setHost method in HostConfiguration of

Thanks a lot Kalnichevski for your detailed answers,

Just one more final clarification ..............

our scenario is as follows

We have a Servlet which invokes an EJB and the EJB invokes a helper class which uses 
httpclient to post a request to an ASP page on a different server using NTLM 
authentication. After reading the response we want to close the connection openned by 
this httpclient used by the helper class.

So using option 1, will close only the exact connection opened by the httpclient in 
helper class. i.e the connection that is used to invoke the post method on the 
httpclient.   It does not close any arbitrary connection. Am I right?


"Kalnichevski, Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The former (option 1) is the correct one. The latter (option 2) _should_ work with the 
simple connection manager but it is guaranteed to not produce the desired effect with 
the multi-threaded connection manager


-----Original Message-----
From: Karthikeyani K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 18:58
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: parameter of setHost method in HostConfiguration of

I want to close the client connection once the method has been executed. Still I am 
not clear.....Here is what I understand...There are two ways of doing it. Which option 
is the proper way of closing a client connection. Is my understanding correct.

1)public class myHttpConnectionManager extends SimpleHttpConnectionManager
public myHttpConnectionManager() {};
public void releaseConnection(HttpConnection connection) {

HttpClient client = new HttpClient( myHttpConnectionManager);
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(http://test:80/test.html);
// After executing the post method when i try to close the
connection, i get the error message host is null
// Close the connection


2) HttpClient client = new HttpClient( myHttpConnectionManager);
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(http://test:80/test.html);
// After executing the post method when i try to close the
connection, i get the error message host is null
// Close the connection

Does this close the connection that was used to execute the method.


"Kalnichevski, Oleg" wrote:


Host configuration specified at the HTTP method level is not supposed to be propagated 
back to the HTTP client level.

Try this instead

// Close the connection

Better yet, subclass the connection manager and make it always close connections upon 
release (if that is what you want). The way you are trying to get this done seems a 
little flaky to me. HttpConnectionManager#getConnection method will produce ANY 
connection for the given host config, not the one that has just been used to execute 
the request.



-----Original Message-----
From: Karthikeyani K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 16:57
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: parameter of setHost method in HostConfiguration of

Thanks Kalnichevski. But I have specified the host at the method level :
for eg:
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
PostMethod method = new PostMethod(http://test:80/test.html);
// After executing the post method when i try to close the connection, i get the error 
message host is null
// Close the connection

There is a method setHost(URI uri) in HostConfiguration. So I was thinking this should 
be the URI same as that specified in the PostMethod.....i.e that of the server


"Kalnichevski, Oleg" wrote:


HostConfiguration associated with HttpClient instance represents default host 
information. These settings are used only when the target host and port are not 
explicitly specified on the HttpMethod level.

HttpClient agent = new HttpClient();
agent.getHostConfiguration().setHost("localhost", 8080);

HttpMethod absolute = new GetMethod("www.whatever.com/stuff");
// will target the host specified in the URL

HttpMethod relative = new GetMethod("/stuff");
// no host name given in the URL. Will target the default host, that is 'localhost'

Hope this clarifies things a little


-----Original Message-----
From: Karthikeyani K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 15:39
Subject: parameter of setHost method in HostConfiguration of httpClient

When we set Host on the HostConfiguration of the httpClient using setHost method 
(setHost(host)), does the host correspond to the server host or the client host.

When I try to close a connection by using
I am getting the error stating host is null. So I have to set the host on the 
hostConfiguration, so does this host correspond to the server host or the client host 

Please advice.....


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