
The question is, why does the method need to be retried in the first place. You should avoid having to retry expensive methods like POST and PUT normally. Furthermore a lot of questinos arise here:
* Which version of HttpClient are you using?
* Is it an authentication problem? (would expect a different exception)
* Are you using a proxy by any chance?
* Are you opening many simultanous connections to the same host?
* Which HTTP Version does the server use?
* Can you provide a wire log or packet log of the communication?


Ortwin Glück

Labajo, Dennis wrote:

Hi all.

I badly need help on an error (HttpRecoverableException) I'm getting.
Here's part of my java source code:

<< the class where httpclient instance is created >>

MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager cmgr = new


cmgr.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );

cmgr.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );

cmgr.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );

HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(cmgr);



httpclient.setState( this.commonHttpState);

<< class where httppost is made >>

DefaultMethodRetryHandler methodretry = new DefaultMethodRetryHandler();


PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(this.server_url.toString());



I do see the recoverable exception caught three times:

2004/08/19 11:55:44:650 CDT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable
exception caught when processing request

But on the fourth recoverable exception, I get this:

2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [WARN] HttpMethodBase - -Recoverable
exception caught but MethodRetryHandler.retryMethod() returned false,
rethrowing exception

2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager -
-Freeing connection,
protocol=https:443, port=443]

2004/08/19 11:56:07:440 CDT [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager -
-Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads

2004/08/19 11:56:07:490 CDT [WARN] MainMenu - -Web Service Exception:
he.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing the
status  line from the response: unable to find line starting with "HTTP"

Is there something I'm not doing right?



-- _________________________________________________________________ NOSE applied intelligence ag

 ortwin glück                      [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171               [pgp id]           0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich                       [office]      +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland                       [fax]         +41-1-277 57 12

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