Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
What 'thing'? Abort? see HttpMethod#abort in 3.0

I was assuming stable httpclient, sorry to not making it clear

All right. It's true that 2.0 does not have built-in abort due to design limits.

I can't say for 3.0 but in 2.0 it seems that client.execute is
blocked until the server finishes sending the headers (does make
sense because executeMethod returns the HTTP response code).


my upper example (a server not sending any actual header) your
code excerpt is blocked forever, if I'm correct.

You are.

What you could do, is the following then:

Wrap the client.execute call:

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.TimeoutController;

Runnable task = new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
long timeout = ...; //millis
try {
  TimeoutController.execute(task, timeout);
} catch(TimeoutController.TimeoutException e) {
   /* task has been sent an interrupt signal by now */

I see. HttpClient uses socket timeouts for data transfer
timeouts, following your reasoning this is in the HTTP protocol?

HTTP is a connection based protocol and therefore requires a connection-aware transport layer. This is normally TCP. Timouts are available in all modern TCP implementations to prevent OS-level resource leaks. That's the reason why there is a timeout feature in Java (TCP-)Sockets.
If you don't like socket timeouts you are free to use a custom socket factory which produces sockets that behave to your taste.

Ortwin Glück

 NOSE applied intelligence ag

 ortwin glück                      [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171               [pgp id]           0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich                       [office]      +41-1-277 57 35
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