On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Michael Peel <em...@mikepeel.net> wrote:
> On 28 Oct 2010, at 20:38, Maarten Dammers wrote:
>> Op 28-10-2010 20:56, Gerard Meijssen schreef:
>>> Hoi,
>>> I am writing a series of blog posts about Commons. My aim is to identify 
>>> the issues that I have with how it functions. There are several and I do 
>>> not bother to write about the ones that are being tackled by the team 
>>> around Guillaume (as far as it is clear to me what they are doing).
>>> The latest blog is about the difficulty of finding pictures, I am also of 
>>> the opinion that we have the opportunity to be more of a resource of stock 
>>> images that are freely licensed. We should stimulate this. Yes Commons is 
>>> growing rapidly. Its coverage       leaves a lot to be desired. In my 
>>> opinion we need to concentrate on search and coverage to make Commons truly 
>>> kick ass.
>> A lot of fun stuff can still be done with the search engine (lucene), but as 
>> far as I know there is no development there. Would be nice if the foundation 
>> would work on that.
> Regardless of whether the Foundation's interested or not, chapters might be 
> interested in supporting this sort of work (I'm fairly sure that Wikimedia UK 
> would be). I'd recommend that anyone interested in doing such development 
> gets in touch with their local chapter.

Actually, we might want to do this in a bit of a more structured way.

Rather than having random people contact their local chapter for that
kind of stuff, we could try and have the right people make a "roadmap"
of what needs to be achieved, for what purpose etc. Then the chapters
(and the Foundation if they wish) could get together and say, ok, this
is what resources we can allocate to this, and we'd have a job
description made for a roadmap that makes sense and take the best
person for the job.

I am pretty sure indeed, that improving commons in that kind of way is
something that is "easy to sell" to the general public and most
importantly, a huge step forward for the mission.

/me dreams of a really usable Commons ;)



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