Thanks Craig. We will try your suggestion. As I stated, this happens only when there 
are more than 1 web apps deployed on the server. We have verified that the 
commons-logging classes were not deployed at the app server level when the error 
occured. It seems the class loader of one web application is interfering with the 
other. Suspecting a similar problem, we moved the commons-logging jar file along with 
log4j to the application server's classpath. These classes are then loaded by the app 
server's class loader and visible to all web apps. The problem seems to be resolved 
(we are still testing). However, I am aware that the Struts Configuration manual 
specifically recommends against sharing Struts components across applications by 
deploying them at the app server level due to inter-webapp conflicts with static 
variables and other issues. So we would prefer to get this configured and working in 
the recommended way.

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