On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 18:17:29 +0100, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Florey wrote:
> >I'd recommend to clearify the scope of [vfs].
> >Is it supposed to be a very simple api to access different file systems?
> >Or is the scope larger so that we want to have abilities to manage 
> >distributed authoring (locks), versioning and searching?
> >If it would be the latter, I think we'll conflict with many other projects 
> >that aim this target (Jackrabbit, Slide...)
> >My personal favorite in this area is WebDAV as it adressess all of this 
> >requirements in the most mature way (but unfortunately there is currently no 
> >Java API reflecting the whole WebDAV-stuff in a simple and intuitive way).
> >My suggestion would be to keep it very simple and implement only things that 
> >fit into the first scope.
> >
> >
> I am with you if you talk about the checkout/checkin functionality.
> But I think locking is something a filesystem should be able to handle
> to - and then as always - if the underlaying filesystem supports this
> VFS should dispatch such requests down to the filesystem.

I guess it is pretty hard to draw the line somewhere, as some file
systems even support versioning. What about access rights, is it
supported by VFS?


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