i have this kind of xml i want to parse:
<pageclass name='news'>
<page pageid="33">
            <metadata name="title>
             a title
            <metadata name="remoteURL">
            a url
<pageclass name='other'>
<page pageid="xx">

So in the digester i have this code (only relevant part ):

digester.setRules(new ExtendedBaseRules());
digester.addObjectCreate("website/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'news']/page",

which doesn't work as I was supposing:  when I try to peek the object on the
stack, i get a NPE.
So the question is: does digester support that kind of xpath expressions to
select nodes?

To Iterate is Human, to Recurse, Divine
James O. Coplien, Bell Labs
(how good is to be human indeed)

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