Dear Owen,

I am happy to know that you are the PR or/and the lawyer of the board. Based on 
your sentence <"I will provide you the answers that I have seen on this list 
and in the AFS which I think are quite adequate:">, the following points are in 
order for your meditation.

A series of questions has been asked in a coherent manner. You are claiming 
that the questions have been answered in this mailing list. What you have 
attempted to do is to put together the piecemeal statements made by the chair 
in his various emails, extracting sense out of them to answer the questions I 
asked. A very good exercise of the "new PR/lawyer" of the chair of the board 
(LOL). Do you want to tell me that it is coherent, professional, pedagogically 
and andragogically, and responsible (name them) from our chair to answer 
specific set questions in piecemeal?

I have read and analyze thoroughly your email. In fact, the best I can say 
about it is it is a very good piece to show empty verbiage case.  The questions 
I asked were straight forward questions which answers should be factual and in 
case there is not fact, with humility acknowledge it. Again you are turned 
yourself into the "new PR/lawyer" of the chair of the board shielding him to be 
accountable. Your empty verbiage has not answered the questions. We want to 
hear from the horse's mouth. 



Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 08:18:32 -0700
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Resolution 201604.274 about Set-Up fees

On Jul 14, 2016, at 00:29 , Noah <> wrote:

On 28 Jun 2016 19:08, "Marcus K. G. Adomey" <> wrote:


> Dear Chairman 


> Thank you Mr. Chairman for your response which unfortunately has not 
> addressed the two main issues I raised in my email.


>I will provide you the answers that I have seen on this list and in the AFS 
>which I think are quite adequate:


> Allow me to restate the questions here once again:


> What problem are solving?

AfriNIC’s annual revenue is dangerously close to its operating budget and 
AfriNIC has a woefully inadequate operating reserve of roughly one quarter of 
continued operations. This should be roughly 2 years by standard good business 

> What options have been evaluated?
All of AfriNICs revenues come from two sources… Fees (the vast majority of the 
revenue) and investment income from the reserves (especially low at the moment 
due to the frighteningly small reserve).
The only way to increase the investment income would be to increase the 
The only way to increase the reserves is to increase revenue.
If you can’t increase the investment income first, then that leaves only some 
form of increase in total revenue from fees.
Since the fee structure was, in part, falling short due to an error in 
implementation, clarifying that fact and correcting that implementation seems 
like low hanging fruit IMHO.
Other options that have been mentioned were increases in fee amounts, removal 
or reduction of some fee exemptions, and cost cutting measures, some of which 
have been implemented.> What is the meaning of the membership fees, which 
increase with my category If i have to pay allocations fees anytime i request 
additional resources?

These are two different things. Your membership fee based on category is an 
annual maintenance fee which you pay to sustain the organization and keep your 
records in the database, etc.
The fee per resource is (at least theoretically) to cover the staff time 
required to review your application and the other expenses associated with that 
> Shouldn’t the membership fees be turned to a lower maintenance fees at a 
> lower price?
It would be utterly and completely irresponsible to reduce membership fees when 
revenues are so perilously close to the operating expenses and the reserves are 
so dangerously low.
> Have we done impact analysis?
Admittedly, I haven’t seen an answer to this question, but I confess I didn’t 
see the question in the earlier seas of accusations and fomenting dissent, so 
perhaps I missed the answer as well or perhaps it got lost in the other 
In any case, it seems to me that the answer is irrelevant and the question you 
really want is “What was the outcome of the impact analysis?”
After all, if the board were to day “Yes, we did the analysis.”, then you 
really don’t know anything useful that you didn’t know before. If the board 
says “No, no analysis was done.”, then similarly, there’s no useful information 
I will say that the most obvious impact is that a few organizations requesting 
resources will pay slightly more for those resources and that AfriNIC will be 
able to restore its needed reserves over the next 10 years or so. This seems 
like a reasonable balance between the need to restore the reserves and make the 
organization financially sustainable and an effort to minimize the impact on 
members and subscribers.

> What is the foreseen negative impact on membership and how do we mitigate? 
> (Some may not come for additional allocation as they have to pay allocation 
> fees plus increase in membership fees.. )
As with the previous question, I admit I haven’t noticed the question or the 
answer in previous discussion.
However, since the premise of this question is false, perhaps a simple 
clarification of the premise will suffice.
When one gets a new allocation in a given year, your annual fee for that year 
does not increase. You pay the allocation fee only. The following year, when 
your annual renewal comes up, you will pay the increased annual fee for your 
new tier. So, if you are so completely sensitive to this issue, you can 
mitigate it 100% by timing your resource request for just after your annual 

> What is expected impact on revenue and how we plan to use it?

>We never recieved any feedback to this important questions.This can be 
>computed from public statistics and at least one person has already done so on 
>the list and determined based on the 2015 run rate that it would be roughly 
I haven’t done the analysis myself, but assuming his numbers are roughly 
correct, then I would argue the most responsible way to use it is to bolster 
the reserves for at least the next 9+ years, barring unforeseen events.
The most recent submission by the chair on the same was not clear either.
Perhaps he didn’t feel the need to rehash data already publicly available in 
the AFS and other previous statements from the board.
In any case, if you feel the above answers are inadequate, please ask specific 
additional clarifying questions. Note, the above are based on public statements 
from the board and information from the AFS, not my conjecture or opinion 
except to the following extent:
1.      Common good business practice is to have a 2 year operating reserve.2.  
My clarification of the purpose of the two distinct fees is conjecture on my 
part based on statements from      staff of varoius RIRs in in-person 
discussions and my reading of the fee information from the AfriNIC   web site. 
I do not know whether the board has publicly stated the same or not.
I would argue that item 1 is simply well known good business practice and that 
any reasonable person could intuit item 2 from the information on the web site. 
However, I want to be clear about the sources of my information in these posts, 
so I provide that detail in the interest of full disclosure.

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