So IF board member attending a non-AfriNIC meeting is not a perk/benefit of
being a board member, THEN surely the board member should give us a short
report on why the company is spend money on them to travel no?

I don't think community has problem with some perk/benefits for board
members that are reasonable [no, I don't know what % of travel budget
reasonable is].

2017-06-27 0:27 GMT+04:00 <>:

> Hello,
> At 04:02 AM 6/26/2017, Chevalier du Borg wrote:
>> But there must be reason for which AfriNIC pay air flight, hotel and
>> allowance for you (or any board member) to travel to a not-AfriNIC meeting
>> right? It ok, if community agree that it's a benefit of being board member.
>> Let just declare that and so long as it not a huge financial burden on
>> company, fine. Let focus on important thing.
> I suggest looking it this way: there would be some reason for me to choose
> to attend a meeting.  I don't think that "it's a benefit of being" is a
> good reason.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
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Borg le Chevalier
"Common sense is what tells us the world is flat"
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