Dear Noah,

On 28/06/2017 09:14, Noah wrote:

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 11:50 PM, Sunday Folayan < <>> wrote:

    Dear Community,

Hello Sunday,

    This afternoon, I was privileged to lead the AfriNIC board members
    to meet with the ICANN Board, led by Steve Crocker at the ongoing
    ICANN meeting. The meeting centered on the efforts of the AfriNIC
    Board at learning best practices, with a view to improving our
    processes and accountability to the community.

    The Agenda of the meeting specifically was:
    1. Limits of Board Transparency and Board Confidentiality
    2. Management of open Board Meetings.

The open board meetings are one way of demonstrating transparency but this is normally not a one day AGMM meeting. How we improve this going forward is of great significant if we are to succeed in being accountable and transparent.

We need to see more mechanisms in place for instance

- Board and organisation KPI's (as so many activities happen but they are not measured to their effectiveness) - Seeking recommendations from community on certain issues where necessary - Sound strategic plans for the organisation since today, the 4 page document still doesn't cut it. - Quarterly reports on the progress of the organisation before even the annual reports

    2. The multi-stakeholder model works

That is what must prevail as its a model that saw ICANN itself become global multistakeholder governance organisation today.

    3. Trust must be built. It does not just come

More transparency especially for a Not-for-profit public entity is what can usher in more trust from bottom to the top.

    5. Accountability is key

And leadership is all about accountability. This is what this community seeks.

    The Board is committed to ensuring that the organization is
    responsive and accountable, and we do request the cooperation of
    the community as we seek ways to improve the
    Board/membership/Community interactions. We seek your continued
    support in this regard.

It's also important for the board and the entire leadership to come to the realisation that its the membership and the community that puts you there to lead and manage the organisation and at any time, you can be called out to be accountable and transparent no matter how bad or good things might seem. If we have problems, we should be transparent about them so that we seek solutions together to fix them. If we succeed, we should be transparent about our success as well.

Most importantly, we seek that this words are followed up with real action too.

    Best Regards,

    Sunday Folayan
    Chair, AFRINIC Board


Thank you very much for all your comments. They will be put into consideration moving forward.

Best Regards ....

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