
IMHO, The community you train today, is the pool of professionals that will
work for you tomorrow. Capacity building is investment, insurance and
assurance, all in one package. It is the core of all cores.

If some services are challenging today, that can be addressed without
dissing or aborting some greater goals.



On Mon, Apr 8, 2019, 19:25 francis asiboh via Community-Discuss <
community-discuss@afrinic.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> It came to my attention that Afrinic is spending too much money and time
> on extra services such as IPv6 workshops and outreach activities while
> core services do not appear to have proper monitoring and on-call support
> for core services in place.
> For instance, in the financial statement for the year 2018, there was a
> surplus of $429,700. This is very good, but what is the point of such a
> surplus when core services are failing again and again?
> Also, to take into consideration if there is a return on investment in the
> training of IPv6 in the African region, as very few ISPs are dual stack.
> Afrinic should first invest in its core services prior before making a
> heavy investment in capacity building and outreach.
> I am perplexed seeing the number of staffs in capacity building team in
> Afrinic.
> Board members of Afrinic, how do you prioritize what is critical and what
> is not?
> Afrinic, where is your risk analysis report?
> Regards,
> Francis ASIBOH
> Network Engineer
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