On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> http://www.javalobby.org/thread.jsp?forum=61&thread=6197
> Provided Sun was game, would there be any interest in adopting this code
> and forming a community around it?
> Strategically I think it could be important to take a practically dead
> piece of code and bringing new life into it
> through meritocratic community..  However, there has been question about
> whether this code could  provoke
> enough passion for this purpose.

I have two thoughts on this.

I didn't care for HotJava back when it was alive. It seems to be an
injustice to revive it after it finally expired.

But, more importantly, it seems to be that to artificially recussitate a
project is ... well ... artificial. If a community sprang up around
HotJava (or anything else) spontaneously, I would be 100% in favor of
us adopting it and giving it a home. But trying to do this artificially
seems to ask for failure. You can't fake this. It's got to come from
folks that are actually interested. I'm unclear on one point - are you
genuinely interested? Perhaps I should actually read the site that you
linked to ...

Author - Apache Administrator's Guide

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