Rich Bowen wrote:
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

For those of us that are not on infrastructure@, what's the summary thus far? Is it just the obvious which can be gleaned from the above, ie Andy proposed blog software installed on an machine and someone -1'ed it, or was it merely a page linking to blogs?

Just curious what we're talking about here.

Hi Rich,

there was a controverse discussion about installing a blogging software (e.g. 
movabletype, pyrite, bloxsom, roller ...) on or with 
the purpose to support *private* weblogging.

The different topics were pretty mixed up and included questions on possible 
software solutions, their licenses (especially MT's), archiving possibilities, 
the purpose of private weblogs, a possible brand damage and if infrastructure@ 
is the right list to dicuss this...

Andrew later mentioned the possibility to use weblogs for project news instead 
of private blogs.

All in all, up to now there is no final decision; just a bunch of -1 and +1, 
but I didn't count them :-)


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