---- you Henri Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ----
> - Did there is a need for a weblog package installed at apache.org
>   where commiters could put notes about THEIR ASF related works ?

-0 to hosting weblogs on official ASF sites.  (I think I'm really a -1,
but haven't had enough time to think about it deeply)

IMO We already have plenty of places for any committer to post notes
about their ASF work - in your project's CVS tree is the traditional
place, archived mailing lists are available (although not optimal for
this kind of content), project websites are a great place for this, and
some existing auto-update project mechanisims including Forrest are
already available for this as well.  

Reading the foundation page again reinforces the fact that we want to
help support our *communities* to build software.  Weblogs feel like
too much of an *individual* soapbox to me to really make the cut under
our purposes.  Plus, we already seem to have enough load on our
infrastructure volunteers, and this doesn't sound like something extra
I'd want to ask them to do.

And the rest of the questions are moot until we decide on the first
one.  Several other people have mentioned this here and on other polls
or votes we've had: we first need to identify, describe, and come to
consensus on the issues to solve or the features we need.  *Then* we
can work on the details of how to implement the solution or which kind
of code to build the features we want to use.  Getting agreement on
just the big picture first (should ASF host weblogs) before even
bringing up details will work much better IMO.

- Shane

<eof .sig="'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, 
in a very scornful tone, 'it means just what I 
choose it to mean - neither more nor less'"
"Oohayu oyod?!"=gis. />

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