On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Conor MacNeill wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Conor,
> >
> > I expect that people are worried about the viral implications of LGPL,

I'm worried about it :) If it's LGPL, I can use it at work, but I can't
release any code that imports from the LGPL'd jar.

And with RMS' 99 article:

It would seem that it is not in the FSF' interest to clarify the LGPL as
far as it applies to Java as they/he only want the LGPL to be used in
certain strategic cases.

> > We're trying to get alternate licensing from any LGPL code.  So far we
> > haven't had too much of a problem getting such licenses, but we'll see.

How about side-stepping the issue entirely and organising some kind of
collation of projects on sourceforge/ibiblio, or even if lgpl is the main
problem, setting up a project at savannah to host all the lgpl plugins to
asf licenced works?


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