
I'm asking an OT question here 'cos I know that there are a lot of brains and 
experience here and I've pretty much drawn a blank elsewhere.

I wondered if anyone could help me with the structure of a BASISplus thesaurus, 
what do all the two letter "codes" mean.. and anything else.

Any links to papers or specs or anything would be greatly appreciated.

Why? because I have a client who has a physical library catalogued in a basis 
db on a VAX. Now that the cost of digital storage has dropped below their 
threshold we're moving the catalogue to java on Xserves for them (using xmlrpc, 
tomcat, and MySQL) so that they can also digitise the library and make it all 
available online via the web or a special client app. 
Of course they'd like to migrate the thesuarus too, for the obvious reason, but 
I'm too young(!) and can't find any docs on the net.


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